best motherboard monitor program?

AbitEQ works fine, but not really convienent. I use Motherboard Monitor (MBM), it will display whatever you want full time in the tray. I display cpu load/cpu temp/case temp. Its always there in your face, and works great. Doubleclick on the tray display, and the dashboard comes up, click on high/low and you see present temps/voltages, highs, lows, and average, from the last time you restarted your rig.

The programmer of MBM has decided not to continue support of the program, which is a bummer for new mobos, but is no reason not to use it for mobos it already supports.
I reeeally like MBM too, but it does not display my voltages accurately. My Mobo is on the supported list though. I use ASUS probe for voltages (cuz my board is ASUS).
I tried out mbm, and it displayed the my cpu temp @ 21 degrees celcius??? Stock hsf. Woot, but of course that isn't accurate. I wish that was true though.
MBM5 worked great for my IS7 and works for my nForce2 board great too. No complaints really.
digiram said:
I tried out mbm, and it displayed the my cpu temp @ 21 degrees celcius??? Stock hsf. Woot, but of course that isn't accurate. I wish that was true though.

Have you checked the temp with another program? Just wondering if it is the mobo, instead of MBM, as it generally displays the temps that the mobo tells it to. I say generally, as some say it shows different info, but mine always shows the same info as the BIOS, as far as I can tell, anyway.
fstroupe said:
Have you checked the temp with another program? Just wondering if it is the mobo, instead of MBM, as it generally displays the temps that the mobo tells it to. I say generally, as some say it shows different info, but mine always shows the same info as the BIOS, as far as I can tell, anyway.

The mobo digiram is talking about is now owned by me..and MBM is working fine with the board, so I'm not sure whats up with that :p