Best Nvidia to Ati driver install practice...


Jan 25, 2006
Hey guys, I've been an Nvidia user for years, and I just recently bought a pair of 5870's. I'm currently running Vista 64 with a single GTX 260 (was SLI, but a card died.) The 5870's are arriving Thursday, and I've got a large LAN to attend on Friday, so I need some advice. What is the current preferred method for wiping the Nvidia drivers and installing the Catalyst drivers? I do realize that a format might be the only way to ensure no issues, but time is not on my side, and I was holding off for SSD's before a new install anyway. Any thoughts on the best approach? Will Driver Sweeper be enough for the job?

Thanks in advance!
Pretty much the same as before, uninstall the drivers, run a driver cleaner program preferably in safe mode, reboot and install your ATI drivers.
Thanks, I was hoping that was the case. I'll give it a shot once the cards arrive.
You could back everything up, have drivers sitting on another HD or usb stick and do your install quickly on Thurs night. I didn't even use a driver cleaner when I made the switch from my old 8800gts 512 to a 5850, but I also planned and performed an OS re-install for that weekend once my SSD arrived.
driver cleaners aren't necessary and you risk messing up something.

just uninstall your nvidia and then install the ATI drivers.
since you may have time issues, you might not be able to but I'd swap to Win7 at same time as swappin Cards. I always try to re-install when switching camps. This is just IMHO as many other just do a driver cleaner first.
Yeah, the time crunch is my biggest concern. I've got a copy of Win 7 64 bit ready to install, but didn't want to do it until I got an SSD. That will come in the next few weeks, but not before I need to game this weekend.

I'll have the system fully backed up before the swap, and if things get hairy, I can always revert. I play with hardware a lot, but I've never had to explore the intricacies of changing camps on an existing install. While the actual install shouldn't take much time, I was hoping to allow for some testing time.
driver cleaners aren't necessary and you risk messing up something.j

When I evict someone I clean the dwelling.
Maybe I should just let the new tennants move in and save some money.

Running a Video specific cleaner certainly can not hurt anything.
Never has hurt for me.
Not being smart to you.Just being an ass is enough. lol
craig, sounds like u should just pull the old, clean it, install the new, enjoy LAN party, and then get readly for your Next weekend project of Win7.
Thanks, I'll do exactly that Omegas, it seems to be the majority consensus. I'm ready to game!
Pretty much the same as before, uninstall the drivers, run a driver cleaner program preferably in safe mode, reboot and install your ATI drivers.

For standard uninstall/install it's this simple:

1) Uninstall old drivers from add/remove programs
2) reboot
3) Install new drivers
4) reboot if required.

Drivers cleaners are NOT REQUIRED for standard install, they are simply helpful tools for if you run into problems with the above method, which now a days will be rare.
---Unistall old Drivers

---Delete Nvidia Folders


---Install Ati Drivers

---Reboot if required.