Best thing since sliced bread?

yeah this is exactally what I was looking for, somthing to mount close to the video card for some extra cooling, I was accually going to make my own somehow , but this one fits the bill.
Yup, they are handy. I ordered one a while ago for my Media Center PC because I needed to mount two more hard disks in it, worked like a charm :D
Yep, I can attest to them being handy.

I threw one at a Slot 1 system I had laying around. I had a Silent Boost cooler in it, but in order to make it fit, I had to take off both the fan and the metal surround thing. I had an 80mm fan pretty much just sitting on it, and it managed to stay there for about 6 months without moving. With the addition of the bracket though, I could mount a 92mm right above it, dropped both the noise and the temps :)
Yep, these things are cool. Quite handy.