Best way to send someone or a group of people email every time my DB changes?


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 9, 2002
Okay... I have about 100 DVD's that I've bought over the last 3-4 years while at school. Right now, I usually buy one or two a week. I would like to make a database with all my movies so that my friends can check out what I have and borrow them from me. I'd like them to have the ability to sign out a movie that I have via a username and password.

I'd also like to have an automatic email sent to them every time I insert a new movie that I buy into the database. So, as soon as I buy a movie and put it in my DB, I want an automatic email sent to them.

I have iPaska hosting w/ PHP and MySQL enabled.


I've been trying to dev something together with my divx collection with vb.NET.

I'm about 2/3 of the way done... just had no time to finish....

I'm also interested it something... have you checked the local spots for scripts?
write an on insert trigger that sends an email containing the row. Very easy in SQL2000. Don't know about mysql.
I don't think MySQL supports triggers... yet...

At any rate, if you enter your movies through a PHP page instead of directly into the database, you can add in code there to send the e-mails. (And it would be easier for you to set up sites for less technically minded friends to use for loaning out their stuff.)
Hmm... this sounds much like a course project that I completed a few years back.... ;)

For the email, I used M$ SQL Server- Used a Job that was scheduled weekly......
Thanks for all the input guys!

But, I will be using MySQL w/ PHP, so no M$ SQL for me. I'll let you know how it ends up.

Maybe you should just make the email list separate and send an email after you update your list.

If the list is automatically tied in, lets say you made some mistakes and go back and have to re-add some titles, or if you add like five in one day, those people would end up getting a bunch of redundant emails when only 1 stating there are updates is needed.

You may want to just send 1 email listing the multiple updates after you've made all the changes and made sure everything is correct.

Just my suggestion.
lastrites said:
Maybe you should just make the email list separate and send an email after you update your list.

If the list is automatically tied in, lets say you made some mistakes and go back and have to re-add some titles, or if you add like five in one day, those people would end up getting a bunch of redundant emails when only 1 stating there are updates is needed.

You may want to just send 1 email listing the multiple updates after you've made all the changes and made sure everything is correct.

Just my suggestion.

Good point! Yeah, I'll keep it as a separate table in my DB.