BF2 with 16X AF


Limp Gawd
Feb 13, 2006
Hi, i got a problem.

Since patch 1.4 my game doesnt listen to my Catalyst Controll Center settings of AF anymore.
It now only listens to the ingame settings of low, medium and high. with is no higher than 4xAF.
Is there any way i can get 16xAF to work? My pc can handle it with ease.

Thank you. :)
You have to turn off texture filtering in-game. Move the slider all the way to the left. Then force 16x AF (or HQ AF, with that video card). That's the way I do it when I'm testing.

If it still doesn't work, kill the drivers with DriverCleaner and reinstall 6.12.
Mark_Warner said:
You have to turn off texture filtering in-game. Move the slider all the way to the left. Then force 16x AF (or HQ AF, with that video card). That's the way I do it when I'm testing.

If it still doesn't work, kill the drivers with DriverCleaner and reinstall 6.12.
Thanks for your reply.
I think youre confused with the slider, since that is for the viewing distance.
For texture filtering i can only choose for low, medium and high.

But ill try installing the new drivers instead.
(oh yeah, whats up with driver cleaner not being freeware anymore?)


i just upgraded 6.11 to 6.12. AF16x now works fine. too bad im getting artefacts now.
so ill be messing arround with the drivers a bit more and ill keep u updated.
I get artifacts in bf2 with the new cats too. When I enter a round there are black triangles floating and flashing around everywhere. They go away after 30 seconds though, and no other game does it. :confused: