Billy Mitchell takes his Donkey Kong high-score cheating case to court


[H]F Junkie
Dec 19, 2005
Bill Mitchell pwns !!! (In my humble opinion)

"During Twin Galaxies' months-long public investigation, Mitchell "had the opportunity to submit evidence in support of his score performances and to engage in the lively public debate about the scores," Twin Galaxies writes in its motion. "He chose not to do so. Instead of settling his grievance then, he waited until the adjudication process had come to end and brought suit in court to prove the veracity of his Donkey Kong score performances."

But court proceedings are "not the forum for [Mitchell] to get revenge," Twin Galaxies argues, claiming that its statements regarding Mitchell were "protected activity" under the First Amendment, and Mitchell's suit "seeks to chill the expression of free speech."

To entertain Mitchell's argument would set a precedent that would let others challenge Twin Galaxies score decisions in court, the site writes. That would lead to an "unnecessary waste of the courts' precious resources" and also "have the practical effect of discouraging Twin Galaxies and others from debating video game scores in a public forum," the site argues.

Both sides will have the opportunity to debate these issues on July 6, when a judge is scheduled to hear arguments on Twin Galaxies' anti-SLAPP motion. Whatever the decision, though, we don't imagine this will be the last we'll hear on this matter from Mitchell."
Bill Mitchell pwns !!! (In my humble opinion)

"During Twin Galaxies' months-long public investigation, Mitchell "had the opportunity to submit evidence in support of his score performances and to engage in the lively public debate about the scores," Twin Galaxies writes in its motion. "He chose not to do so. Instead of settling his grievance then, he waited until the adjudication process had come to end and brought suit in court to prove the veracity of his Donkey Kong score performances."

But court proceedings are "not the forum for [Mitchell] to get revenge," Twin Galaxies argues, claiming that its statements regarding Mitchell were "protected activity" under the First Amendment, and Mitchell's suit "seeks to chill the expression of free speech."

To entertain Mitchell's argument would set a precedent that would let others challenge Twin Galaxies score decisions in court, the site writes. That would lead to an "unnecessary waste of the courts' precious resources" and also "have the practical effect of discouraging Twin Galaxies and others from debating video game scores in a public forum," the site argues.

Both sides will have the opportunity to debate these issues on July 6, when a judge is scheduled to hear arguments on Twin Galaxies' anti-SLAPP motion. Whatever the decision, though, we don't imagine this will be the last we'll hear on this matter from Mitchell."
Hate to burst your bubble, but Billy isn't the only gaming "legend" to have been proven a fraud in recent years thanks to the growing and more robust speedrunning/scorechasing community. We now have the tools at our disposal to go over all these records and their plausibility with a fine toothed comb down to the code level.
The answer, of course, is to only accept live scores done on established machines in front of a live audience.
Funnily enough, Billy tried that by streaming a record-breaking attempt on Twitch. The problem was the cabinet was at an angle where we could not clearly see the screen and his hands were cutoff from the bottom of the feed. If he wanted to get back some credibility that was a piss poor attempt at doing so.
If his run was called into question, why not just do it again in front of the judges in person?He wouldnt even have to get the score, the ruling says there was a transition animation that is not in the original code. If he can reproduce it on a verified machine then problem solved.
If his run was called into question, why not just do it again in front of the judges in person?He wouldnt even have to get the score, the ruling says there was a transition animation that is not in the original code. If he can reproduce it on a verified machine then problem solved.
Idk if youre being facetious, but hes known for running modified games and tries to pass it off as legit. What youre asking for is impossible.

Idk if youre being facetious, but hes known for running modified games and tries to pass it off as legit. What youre asking for is impossible.

No he is saying if fake that would make it obvious. Please fight only with those who are against you okay? Most of us are on the same side ya?
No he is saying if fake that would make it obvious. Please fight only with those who are against you okay? Most of us are on the same side ya?
Hi friend. Im not fighting with you, and I'm not sure (why/if) you are trying to insinuate I am or not. Im saying Billy is a fraud and is incapable of doing what you are asking.
Dont call me FRIEND, PAL!

Yeah, hes guilty and this is frivolous, hes trying everything he can to ignore public appearance and proving himself false.
I have no idea who this guy is, figured I must be too old to care about this.
Googled the guy, he's 20 years older than me. Guess I'm too young to know who he is.
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I have no idea who this guy is, figured I must be too old to care about this.
Googled the guy, he's 20 years older than me. Guess I'm too young to know who he is.
Billy Mitchell was made a villian in the cult-classic 2007 documentary film The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. I thought he was unfairly portrayed in that film, but his later actions have proven the views more than justified. He's basically a giant douche who is good at Donkey Kong, but cant win world records without cheating. He keeps getting owned on TV and inyoutube vids, so he sues people because he has lawyer money and likes to be a dick.
I like the guy and his Hot Sauce he created himself he's good at PacMan as well.
I like the guy and his Hot Sauce he created himself he's good at PacMan as well.
Have you hung out with him? What makes you like Billy?

Seth Gordon, director of King of Kong, said of Mitchell:

"There’s a lot of stuff we couldn’t include that Billy did just because of inter-state telephone rules. We only could use stuff where we had a camera pointing at Billy. All I’m saying is, the stuff he did to keep tabs on Steve and control him, was far greater than we could actually show. He is a true puppet master – and really rules this whole group of guys. He tells them where to walk, where to be, what to do, what to say… it’s unbelievable. Billy is such a good gamer that when he’s finished beating the games, he moves on to play games with people and we [even] became part of that."
He's from the 80s or late 70s that is why I like him.
Kids today wouldn't even get past the first level of Kong because they are blinded by their phones and tablets.
Billy Mitchell was made a villian in the cult-classic 2007 documentary film The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. I thought he was unfairly portrayed in that film, but his later actions have proven the views more than justified. He's basically a giant douche who WAS good at Donkey Kong, but cant win world records without cheating. He keeps getting owned on TV and inyoutube vids, so he sues people because he has lawyer money and likes to be a dick.


I have no doubt we was really good way back when until it all went to his head.
They might get another Pixels Movie out of this, with Peter Dinklage as the main actor this time.

We all know Peter Dinklage's was really playing Billy Mitchell in Pixels
Yes, the scores that were determined by Twin Galaxies to be not provably on original hardware were from years when MAME emulation would have been available. The effort that went into dissecting the runs/visuals/etc by TG and the community is vast and detailed, so there's a significant amount of analysis that leans toward concluding that the runs were skewed enough in RNG and had enough problematic, non-reproducible visuals to have to have been emulated and stitched together.

Sure, he's a good DK player either way, in the top percentages for sure- I don't think that's really disputed.
I wonder if he could have played a real perfect game if he worked on that all this time instead of creating this mess of drama. Although I suspect he craves the attention and enjoys playing both the victim and villain.