Bing lets you chose your search result rank!


Apr 6, 2007
No more having to pay shady companies to boost your ranks!
To that end, the SEO tags can be implemented today allowing you to tell us where you should rank. The code below explains it clearly if you’re an SEO. Place the tag inside your page code, fill in the blanks for us indicating which result your page should appear at, and when a query is performed, we’ll scan the page and place you accordingly.

<link rel="SEO" query="weather" set_to_position="2" />
<link rel="SEO" must_be_before="**" />

That second line is very handy, too, as you can skip the actual rank position, the &#8220;set_to_position&#8221; portion, and simply specify that if a competitor&#8217;s page is ranking for a term, that you are to rank one spot higher.
Thought this might be pertinent to the interest of a few of you here.

Yes, yes, I know