Black Panther Teaser Trailer


Aug 20, 2006
Nearing 13 million views, I am pretty confident you may have seen this teaser for what Marvel has up its sleeve for 2018, but I’ll post this in case you have a comment. We got a glimpse of the character in Captain America: Civil War, but Black Panther is getting a proper look with this solo film starring Chadwick Boseman and directed by Creed’s Ryan Coogler. I would have liked to see them try putting the signature collar and cape on the costume.
Great another superhero movie......Not the one the world needs, but what it deserves.

Signature cape? Apart from that ancient FF mag, he didn't sport a cape. Maybe in some of the contemporary mags. Original outfit was plain, very plain.
indeed, it was pretty much a black spandex suit, they actually added a lot of depth.

anyway, day 1 for me!

He was dressed like this the first time I saw the character. Must be a modern revision?
Black Panther... no reason to read anything politically into that. His nemesis is the White Knight, who tries to keep the Black Panther out of the Mississippi suburbs. :p

But seriously, it doesn't even work well as most "black panthers" are from South America and Asia, and rare in Africa.
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trailer didn't blow me away but I like the director (Ryan Coogler) and think he can bring something unique to the Marvel universe
You're not. A guy sporting clip on nails and doing gymnastics is a super hero ?
You're not. A guy sporting clip on nails and doing gymnastics is a super hero ?
Just as legitimate as catwoman... basically IS catman.

Or the Black Widow, who is a vital component to the team with her karate kicks:
Clearly none of them are super heroes, costumed dingbats ok, super requires some sort of power. But , wait a sec, maybe Hawkeye can help out some...


The title "Black Panther" is a rank of office, chieftain of the Wakandan Panther Clan. As chieftain, the Panther is entitled to eat a special Heart-Shaped Herb which, in addition to his mystical connection with the Wakandan Panther God, grants him superhumanly acute senses, enhanced strength, speed, agility, stamina, durability, healing, and reflexes.[volume & issue needed]

He has since lost this connection and forged a new one with another unknown Panther deity, granting him augmented physical attributes as well as a resistance to magic.[67] His senses are so powerful that he can pick up a prey's scent and memorize tens of thousands of individual ones. Following his war with Doom, T'Challa loses his enhanced abilities only to once again establish a connection with the Panther God.[70] In addition to the resurgence of his now superhuman abilities, he is anointed "King of the Dead", granting him the power and knowledge of all the past Black Panthers as well as the ability to control the undead.[84]

T'Challa worked with his sorcerer, Zawavari, to endow T'Challa with immunity to mystical attacks and detection in order to defeat Dr. Doom. When T'Challa's alchemical upgrade was tested by means of Wakanda's most powerful acolytes attacking T'Challa in unison, each mystical attack was absorbed and only served to strengthen T'Challa. During these preparations, T'Challa invented a potent mystical/scientific hybrid art called "shadow physics" and was able to use it to craft shadow weapons and to track vibranium on a quantum level.[67]

As king of Wakanda, the Panther has access to a vast collection of magical artifacts, advanced Wakandan technological and military hardware, as well as the support of his nation's wide array of scientists, warriors, and mystics. The Wakandan military has been described as one of the most powerful on Earth. His attire is the sacred vibranium costume of the Wakandan Panther Cult.

He is a skilled hunter, tracker, strategist, politician, inventor, and scientist. He has a Ph.D. in Physics from Oxford University. Considered one of the eight smartest people on the planet,[85] he is a genius in physics and advanced technology, and is a brilliant inventor. He also has been granted the strength and knowledge of every past Black Panther.[70]

T'Challa is a rigorously trained gymnast and acrobat and is a master in various African martial arts as well as contemporary martial arts and fighting styles that belong to no known disciplines.

The chieftain of the Wakandan Panther Clan is one of the wealthiest people in the world, though financial estimates are difficult given Wakanda's isolation from the world's economy and the uncertain value of Wakanda's vast vibranium reserves and extremely advanced technologies.[86]

In Black Panther volume 3, writer Christopher Priest expanded the Panther's day-to-day arsenal to include equipment such as an "energy dagger", a vibranium-weave suit, and a portable supercomputer, the "Kimoyo card".[87] In Black Panther volume 4, writer Reginald Hudlin introduced such specialized equipment as "thrice-blessed armor" and "light armor" for specific tasks,[volume & issue needed] and for a short while outfitted him with the Ebony Blade of the Black Knight.
Great another superhero movie......Not the one the world needs, but what it deserves.


The first thing that came to mind after watching the trailer is that its the perfect gif to say some rant about the movie and then post this line from forest gump.

well played.
Now all we need is a Nightwing movie and then all of my favorite heroes will have made it to the big screen.
Just as legitimate as catwoman... basically IS catman.
Well Catwoman with "indestructable" armor and claws. Plus IIRC, the place he's from is very technologically advanced (i.e. super fake from real life) and makes Tony Stark seem like his suit runs on a C-64, so there may be tech gadgets involved too.
Black Panther... no reason to read anything politically into that.

I won't. I'm just expecting a damn good superhero movie. :)

I also liked Star Trek: The Voyage Home, which had a political "save the whales" agenda, and Avatar, another political/environment based film. I just enjoy them for the movie.

I've liked Black Panther for a long time. He's always been a bad ass.
Eh, the trailer didnt really have me as excited as I was hoping, BUT Black Panther was probably one of my favorite heros out of civil war so I'm hopeful.
Plus IIRC, the place he's from is very technologically advanced
Well, its apparently near real world Rwanda, which is where most of the information age technology was invented according to multiple CNN anonymous sources.
I also liked Star Trek: The Voyage Home, which had a political "save the whales" agenda
I liked Dances with Smurphs too, but Voyage Home was a bad example, as that has to be the worst Trek movie EVAR! :p

Remember when he talked into the mouse, implying he doesn't use a QWERTY, but then all of a sudden he is not only an expert typist as if he does it everyday, but he knows every keyboard shortcut in existence to an operating system and program that hasn't been in use since his grandpappy was in diapers.

I died.

The one saving grace is that the seemingly comical "transparent aluminum" turned out to be a real thing.
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Black Panther in two days.

Here are some connections in previous Avenger films.

(Chinese subs)
Great another superhero movie......Not the one the world needs, but what it deserves.

You must have too much time on your hand. I generally pass up on posting in threads I don't give a shit about. ;)
I don't care about all the black power this movie will drum up -- i care about what it will tell me about the next avenger movies and if a lot of shit blows up then count me in
Black Panther... no reason to read anything politically into that. His nemesis is the White Knight, who tries to keep the Black Panther out of the Mississippi suburbs. :p

But seriously, it doesn't even work well as most "black panthers" are from South America and Asia, and rare in Africa.
They exist though.. Of course they're rare, it's a recessive trait. When two black leopards mate they have smaller litters than the spotted leopards do thus even less population of them.
Looks pretty good honestly, but given how crappy a "hero" the source material was I'll basically wait until it hits netflix to watch it.