Blizzard COO Sams – ” We are already playing Titan”


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
Titan, the long lost son of World of Warcraft is already in the making by Blizzard Key Developers and they are already playing it as Paul Sams stated in a Gamasutra Interview and , it is , what a surprise -” an awesome one”

The game has already been in development for like 4 or 5 years, and is still several years away from release. But a real bummer for being a FPS. I like my RPG's to be 3rd person, and like my FPS to be Quake or Battle Field style games, but who knows, it could be the coolest thing ever.
Is there anything about this game that is known other than the name and that it's supposed to be some new sort of MMO RPG?
Is there anything about this game that is known other than the name and that it's supposed to be some new sort of MMO RPG?

Not really, I know it will be a FPS ( first person shooter ) view. Which to me is totally different for an MMO, not sure that's good or bad yet.

And they say it is set in a brand new game world never before done by Blizzard. So no Warcraft universe with wizards and elf's, no Starcraft sci/fi setting. No medieval Diablo setting. So that leaves either an ancient Egypt/Greek theme possibly, or the strong rumors say it will be set in a Cyberpunk near future Akira setting / or Steampunk industrial revolution setting, like a Fantasy world set in the 1800's crossed with sc/fi elements, using Metallurgy and Steam Power
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Cyberpunk would be cool. Not a fan of steampunk though.

Overall I'm worried about how strong the FPS portion will be. Something as competitive as CS on a skill based level would be nice, plus strong roleplaying/storyline elements might make it a great game. Guess we'll see in a few years.
I really wish it would be SciFi... I have never gotten into any MMORPGs before but honestly I'd bite if there was something like a first person Mass Effect style MMO. The thing about SciFi is the possibilities are endless... always new worlds and new alien races out there, it would be perfect for a huge MMORPG... although, if Mass Effect was a MMO I would probably be addicted and have no outside life whatsoever :D
Cyberpunk or steampunk sounds like it'd be cool. A name like "Titan" leads me to believe it is something more along those lines or even something sci-fi. Unless Titan is just a code name and the real name is yet to be revealed?
Cyberpunk or steampunk sounds like it'd be cool. A name like "Titan" leads me to believe it is something more along those lines or even something sci-fi. Unless Titan is just a code name and the real name is yet to be revealed?

It's a codename I'm pretty sure.
Not really, I know it will be a FPS ( first person shooter ) view. Which to me is totally different for an MMO, not sure that's good or bad yet.

And they say it is set in a brand new game world never before done by Blizzard. So no Warcraft universe with wizards and elf's, no Starcraft sci/fi setting. No medieval Diablo setting. So that leaves either an ancient Egypt/Greek theme possibly, or the strong rumors say it will be set in a Cyberpunk near future Akira setting / or Steampunk industrial revolution setting, like a Fantasy world set in the 1800's crossed with sc/fi elements, using Metallurgy and Steam Power

Ancient Egyptian or Greek or Roman type themes sound awesome. Steampunk is really over rated IMO.
Pfft screw Titan, wheres the next WC3?

Anyone have the source about the game being an fps style? Im having a hard time imagining Blizzard going this way or how much emphasis the game could be played first person. I guess time (probably years:p) will only tell.
Pfft screw Titan, wheres the next WC3?

Anyone have the source about the game being an fps style? Im having a hard time imagining Blizzard going this way or how much emphasis the game could be played first person. I guess time (probably years:p) will only tell.

I think the MMOFPS world is an untapped market right now, Planetside Next is bringing us back a slice of that hopefully sometime very soon, rumoured to be beta testing this month (I doubt that is going to happen)

But FPS is one of the most enjoyed genres in games and it has the least exposure to MMO style gaming which is a massive shame, I can't wait for Planetside Next and would welcome more additions to the FPS MMO scene.
I think this game will be very cool whatever it turns out to be. I mean when has blizzard made a bad game? They are in the same realm as Bioware in that sense, never a bad game. I love the idea of a mmofps. Something slightly different for a change and from a quality developer with a known history of making quality titles and endlessly deep pockets? Been waiting to hear more info on this for what seems like years already lol. I'm in.
Just looking at Blizzard's track record, anything first person is really hard to imagine. Not going to outrule it, but looking at their history it just doesn't seem believable.

All I know is that I'm excited. Blizzard puts out a damn good product, and they take their time with polish too. Their R&D is great, and they know what people want.

The only thing I am worried about is that this is their sequel to WoW, and in doing so, will likely be aimed at some of the WoW masses. I loved WoW for a while, but now that the fog has lifted, I really don't want to play anything like it again.

I'm crazy excited for Titan. I know its a ways off, but it will be big, no doubt.
I am open to the idea of a FPS MMO, just hard to grasp because every MMO I have played was third person view. But if anyone can pull it off I am sure Blizzard can. It's just that you won't see your character, and with WoW it was cool to see the gear and weapons you wore, but in first person view you won't see that.

But imagine an MMO like Oblivion or MassEffect, those were first game games and kicked butt. So this idea could really work.
I'm hoping for a MMOFPS.

I've played WWII Online and Planetside and enjoyed the hell out of both. Also bought global agenda and while it's not a true MMOFPS I still enjoyed it.

So i'm very much looking forward to Planetside Next as well as Tribes Universe. Less grindy, or rather not grindy at all. More straight to the action. I like it!
Pfft screw Titan, wheres the next WC3?

Anyone have the source about the game being an fps style? Im having a hard time imagining Blizzard going this way or how much emphasis the game could be played first person. I guess time (probably years:p) will only tell.

Yea, I'm having a hard time verifying that it's going to be a shooter as well....

OP you got any links to back up your statements?
Yea, I'm having a hard time verifying that it's going to be a shooter as well....

OP you got any links to back up your statements?

When I typed FPS, I meant first person shooter style, as in viewing the game would be like playing Oblivion or MassEffect, not in the third person.

But yes, this is a first person view game, not third person like most MMO's today. It has been discussed in several interviews about "Titan" being a FPS/MMO. Maybe that's changed ?
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Well, if it takes them about a decade to make an action RPG game (Diablo III), which isn't exactly the most complicated type of game... They want Titan to eclipse WoW. It might be out around 2050. I don't live that healthy. =P
I'm surprised we haven't had leaked footage or something, it happens to damn near every other popular game.
I'm not all too confident that it'll be an FPS. Blizzard considers many things that don't affect most of us. I for one, can get some pretty bad motion sickness in most FPS games. I'm sure they take these little things into account when deciding if it's a good idea. That said, if it is an FPS, it's not going to be a very pleasant experience for me unless the field of view is gigantic.
Back when I was first starting playing fps games I got sick too. It took me maybe 10-20 hours of play to fully get over it. Have you played fps for a significant amount of time?

I guess you know what a bad fov can do, so I won't suggest that, but I was replaying HL2 recently, and accidentally left the fov at 75. I played for like an hour before I got a headache, and I play a lot of fps.

It is a valid point though, that with the wide audience they like to target, they may lose a decent amount of people that don't like spending the 10 hours or so to get used to first person, or may not even know that they will get used to it.
The nice thing about 3rd person view like WoW is, you see you're character in front of you, you see the gear, you see the weapons. With first person that is not there.

I hope this new MMO is 3rd person view.
The nice thing about 3rd person view like WoW is, you see you're character in front of you, you see the gear, you see the weapons. With first person that is not there.

I hope this new MMO is 3rd person view.

I was thinking the same thing. Tough to identify with your character if you never see it.
Back when I was first starting playing fps games I got sick too. It took me maybe 10-20 hours of play to fully get over it. Have you played fps for a significant amount of time?

I guess you know what a bad fov can do, so I won't suggest that, but I was replaying HL2 recently, and accidentally left the fov at 75. I played for like an hour before I got a headache, and I play a lot of fps.

It is a valid point though, that with the wide audience they like to target, they may lose a decent amount of people that don't like spending the 10 hours or so to get used to first person, or may not even know that they will get used to it.

Yeah, I've played plenty of FPS games dating back to Doom II. Got sick back then but that didn't stop me from playing. :D The only games that I've done ok in (that I can remember atm) were Counterstrike and Crysis.
People have short memories. The original Everquest was first person view, and I'm sure there have been others with the same view point. If you scroll in far enough in WoW you go into first person view so the option is there if you chose.
People have short memories. The original Everquest was first person view, and I'm sure there have been others with the same view point. If you scroll in far enough in WoW you go into first person view so the option is there if you chose.

As far as I remember only the tutorial was locked in FPS mode, most likely because you had no character model for it. The rest of game was playable in a both, and I believe most people did so in third person?
everyone says FPS MMO has not really been done.

But it kind of was done. Ashrons call was sort of FPS/MMO.

Not like you think of it with a gun, but you could side step arrows and spells.

just saying