Blu-ray to portable devices


Oct 11, 2006
I never invested heavily into DVD, but am picking up blu-rays whenever I see a good sale. My one concern was, still is, getting these files to a portable device without taking up massive space. I have a server that stores them all, but that is terabytes of space, I want to be able to drop a movie onto something like I did for awhile with DVDs.

Single file
2GB (at most)

I currently have AnyDVD-HD which I use to copy them, but I am trying to find a way to get into this single file form. I copy my movies to .ISO form, but have copied to hard drive before and have seen the folder with all the .m2ts. I tried handbrake, just to try, but it was unable to read the .m2ts file. Is there any good pay for software, or free, that can read the .m2ts file and convert it to a more portable size format?
