Blue Screen - Hard Disk not Mountable


Apr 26, 2007
hey guys
got a laptop here that blue screens right after the animated windows xp loading screen (the one before it boots into windows)
goes straight to it

the hard drive shows up under bios
when i connect the hard drive to an external enclosure or to my IDE to USB cable, it spins up but does not get recognized.
there are some photos on the drive that would be a shame to lose for the person who owns it.
Any suggestions?
thanks in advance
yeah i just mentioned i hooked it up to an external enclosure, and i also used a IDE to USB setup, on my main desktop, cant get it to recognize.
same goes for an additional laptop. i have tested it.
If it won't recognize it on another computer or an external enclosure, you're probably screwed.... Did it make any noises (clicking or the like)?
ok, just tried another enclosure.
this time -- though acting weird and slow doing so, my PC recognizes a USB hard drive, even the brand, HITACHI, and the size, 27gb
everything goes real slow when relating to it.. ie, opening my computer, etc.
"AUTO PLAY" dialogue shows up, which is the case with other externals ive used, where it looks for a file to autoplay, then asks what you wanna do , open the folder, etc.

well, "Local Disk L" as it shows up, wont let me do much anything. Cant see the attributes, cant see space used
in Computer Management, Disk Management, i see 2 new entries. the first has no label, jsut a blank, says it is: Layout: Partition Type: Basic File System: FAT (doesnt say FAT32)
Status: Healthy (EISA Configuration) Capacity: 39mb Free Space 33mb.

very od
the second is volume L and shows NOTHING for FileSystem and status is Healthy:Active 27.90 gb capacity, 27.90 gb free it says
but i know there are files on this thing!

also, in the CMD prompt, i type, Cd L:\ hit enter, after a min i see: " Error Performing inpage operation." and thats it

what should my next move be? im stumped!

Format it (quick), then use some sort of recovery tool to get your data back. Your partition tables could be fried, your data's still there but the drive (and Windows) doesn't know how to access it. If that doesn't work, unfortunatly, you're screwed as a previous poster said.

Edit: I recomend GetDataBack for NTFS/FAT. That program has saved my life (literally and figuratively) in the past, in just these kind of situations!

Grab your Windows XP CD, boot off it and head into the Recover Console.

Get to the command prompt (as its an unmountable boot volume it should come up straight away). Type in: chkdsk /r

I had one of these today, checkdisk sorted it out. Recovered data, and boot information all at once.

If that doesn't work, you have a severely trashed hard drive, and recovery may or may not be possible. But I'd be trying the chkdsk option before reformatting :)