Borderlands 2 Launch Date Trailer

I loved the first one except for the ending but I am still excited for this one as well.
Only one thing I needed to see. 4 person vehicle. I can has Steam pre-order discount, plz?
Really looking forward to this... spent untold hours playing the first one and all the expansions :D
If they polish the shit outta the mechanics of the previous game, this will be a day one purchase.

There was so much potential in the first one.
Overdramatic dubstep bad. Funky indy soundtrack good. Need to go back to indy soundtrack for trailers I'm pretty sure No Heaven and Ain't No Rest... helped sell a lot of boxes..
Am I the only one that thinks Borderlands + Nero = <3 ?

I think the trailer was great, esp. clap trap dancing
I am more excited for this than I am for Diablo 3. I know, different genres and all, but still, THIS game has me really excited.
glad to see other dubstep haters out there. I find it absolutely obnoxious.

Terrible music aside, I am looking forward to the game.
Sorry guys, not looking forward to it. Bargain bin maybe.

My group of friends played co-op through both difficulty settings and had the entire game beat to max level and gear in about 3-4 days. It was HORRIBLY balanced and lacked any enjoyment in replayability. A total waste of money.

It was fun for the few days it lasted but there was no meat there to keep you playing or long term goals.

It might have been different if there was any time spent at balancing the items, leveling and loot frequency.

It could have been great but was instead trash.
There was a 3rd party fix.

Doesn't look like Gearbox is supporting correct fov with this either, judging by the video at least.

There is but menus are still jacked, running and driving vehicles. I'm sure this being new all that should be fixed for multi monitors.
Meh, I'm not a huge fan of cell shaded graphics, and I got extremely bored with the first one partway through... Probably won't buy it unless there's some crazy sale for $5 or something.
I hope when they say that 87 billion weapons are now bazilliondier they don't mean that there are 86,999,999,900 crappy weapons and 100 good ones.
I threw my money at the display, but I can't play yet. :(


I played the first one on a 4 pack not expecting much. 98 hours later and all the expansions, I was curious as to how I kept going that long. Looking forward to this one for sure.
I am more excited for this than I am for Diablo 3. I know, different genres and all, but still, THIS game has me really excited.

Pretty sure I'll be able to play Borderlands 2 offline, so I'm FAR more excited for this than for Diablo 3.
meh, looks like rage with cel shading

Yeah except Rage just copied Borderlands without cel shading and oh yeah. Rage was nowhere near as much fun as Borderlands.

Pre-ordered this one...last year.
meh, looks like rage with cel shading

Uh, yeah...except this game's predecessor came out 3 years ago, with the same style, and is nothing like Rage.

This is the equivalent of people who said Wolfenstein 3d "looks like a crappy version of Doom".
Borderlands... console port, broken PC multiplayer, broken loot system, awful bosses and ending.

Wasted a good 1-2 months on the game, but left pissed off at all the problems and Gearbox's total lack of support.

Borderlands 2 looks like a clone cash in.
Yeah except Rage just copied Borderlands

but rage started development long before borderlands... lol, I'm just teasing anyways, no big deal guys :p

I hope the game does good actually
Gotta admit it looks less stupid then the first Borderlands. The characters from the first one looked like they turned to Teen Titans for inspiration. These seem to be a much better improvement.
It looks like they seriously toned down the black outline on everything, thankfully.
First one was pretty fun, so I am thinking this will be a day one purchase for me.
i wish they would add the original chars so we can have 8 different choices. but again this will be one of the games i will buy on day one. i loved the modding for this game and its the only reason i keep playing it.