Borderlands DLC (specifically General Knoxx) performance worse than the main game?


Mar 26, 2005
I don't really recall getting a significantly worse frame rate on my desktop PC in Borderlands but it did seem a little slower in General Knoxx than it did in the main game...but now I'm out here at the deployed location and my G73JH can't seem to handle the Knoxx DLC at all. It feels choppy even at 1280x720. But the main game performs perfectly smooth. I'm wondering if anyone else has noticed anything similar?
I did ... then I realized that I'd turned AA on from the driver controller when I was playing Mass Effect. Once I turned it off, it started running just fine. Any chance you could have driver properties set that you forgot about?
I'll check tonight after work. I don't generally use AA (I don't usually notice aliasing unless it's really terrible) so I'm not sure if that's the problem or not, but it's worth a look. Thanks.
It doesn't look any better than "vanilla" Borderlands though.
I noticed higher-resolution textures in the Knoxx DLC compared to the base game. It's not a massive difference, but it is more graphically-intensive.
Its def more hardware intensive. I think the textures are slightly better but mostly I think it's the huge improvement in the background scenery.