??? bout windows emus


Feb 10, 2004
i was wondering if when useing windows emulaters to run a program thru linux if it will keep the low system useage. i am asking this b/c i am wanting to run a server for an online game and it is very picky about the CPU useage and alot of ppl want to run thru Linux for the lower system useage for less lagg in game and windows takes up alot of the power so far the ppl workin on it to run the program RunUO www.runuo.com have failed using Mono, Wine works but just to run the client not the program for a home server o ya the game is called Ultima Online what i want to do is host a free shard for it thru UOGateway part of the problem is that RunUO uses microsoft's .NET framework and Mono is suppose to be a .NET clone but is REALLY buggy.sooo Second question could anyone make a .NET clone that DOES work in linux

thanks in advance

btw I am VERY sorry for the post and if any repeats happen its either b/c i am also watching tv as i type this also i was not very sure how to write this and am also very :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: about it
No offense, but please use periods. Run on sentences hurt my brain.

Anyways, I think the main question was if you're using a virtual machine to run a program on windows in Linux, would the system usage still be low?

To answer: No, it wouldn't. You're already using system resources to run the virtual machine (which I think is what you're talking about), and when running a program on Windows through a VM on another OS, you're still running the program in Windows, except you're also utilizing resources for using the VM.

As for .NET framework for Linux: I haven't heard of one that's effective, and no one's just gonna up and make one just because you ask to make one; it's tougher than you think.
Mono and dotgnu are the 2 projects that I know of. Their goal is to implement the CLR in Linux and port a portion of the .NET framework library to run on that CLR implementation. Both are in development stages so it is unfair to expect them to do industrial strength work yet.
WHOA!! I'm amazed I even understood part of that. Emulating stuff is rarely as good as the original. Usually people only use wine(which isn't actually an emulator) and emulators is because they have one or two programs that they would like to run under a particular operating system which they run full time. It seems incredibly pointless to run linux only so that you can run a windows server. Nothing is going to run that software better than windows. Windows and .NET are closed so there is no way anyone can emulate it 100%. If you want it to run, run it under windows. Just turn off as much eye candy other nonessential items to conserve resources.
srry bill prolly should learn to use periods more often anyways.
and thanks to everyone else i guess ill just have to get a good version of windows for a server. perferably not XP, too much $$$
any suggestions as to wich one