Bring Midnight Freak back!

See.. there you go again MM..++ ;)

Well there have been many posts about how they wouldnt mind seein him come back.. or relic either for that matter.. so just thought a vote from them would be nice..
Midnight stopped because of time issues I believe. As far as I know he didn't join another team but he did have valid reasons for not continuing. Yes it's a good cause but sometimes there are other things that have to take precedent.

KodiakStar said:
45. OCAU... err.. Oops ;)

Yep look on page 1.
I'm sure I'm not the only OCAU member on here agreeing on this? :)

I remember when he stopped and his reasoning that he mentioned. Was a shame to see him go.
Perhaps things have changed since then.
Plax said:
Yep look on page 1.
I'm sure I'm not the only OCAU member on here agreeing on this? :)

I remember when he stopped and his reasoning that he mentioned. Was a shame to see him go.
Perhaps things have changed since then.
it's nice to see other teammates wishing for him to return too.
glad to know we're folding for the cause and not only points (though the points are fun :p)

Wow I caught this rather far along and just realized that we were voting to bring MF back!

Count me as 47!

Dont know how i missed this....beter late than never! :D

48th of thousands of votes deserved. No need to reach previous production levels. A box or 2 are just as good. Science is built on the shoulders of giants, MF is our giant. Dropping by once in a awhile to inspire the [H]orde, more valuable than all the boxen he can muster. With all the new recruits, getting MF and our Bard back, are priorities.

it's been way too long since i've visited these forums... great job on reclaiming #1 guys, even though my 4 computers stopped producing. They're up and running again though, so no worries :D

48. Lord_Talps
PPatBoyd said:
it's been way too long since i've visited these forums... great job on reclaiming #1 guys, even though my 4 computers stopped producing. They're up and running again though, so no worries :D

48. Lord_Talps
wewt! welcome back to the [H]orde!

Heck, I'll vote twice!

50. p[H]ant0m :D

it would appear that he (or someone ;) ) has started producing under his name. one cpu or 1000 it all helps the cause. if its you MF welcome back we've missed you.

51. Buckshot

Fold on!

on a side note after my wedding last weekend and the move i have been out of town for a new job and have not been home to setup my systems so my production is down about 200 ppd :( cant wait to get home this weekend. And fix that problem :D

Mayhem33 said:
Congrats sure your to do list will grow much more than that! :D

rofl. :D

here is a buckshot progeny joke:

hey buck, is your kid gonna be a 10 gauge or a 9 mm? :D
magnusvir said:
rofl. :D

here is a buckshot progeny joke:

hey buck, is your kid gonna be a 10 gauge or a 9 mm? :D

well im hopin he turns out to be 00Buck ;)

Double Ot(<---sp) Buck in case you arnt up on your ammo

Fold on
Buckshot said:
well im hopin he turns out to be 00Buck ;)

Double Ot(<---sp) Buck in case you arnt up on your ammo

Fold on

Maybe if you are lucky, Doom2 style. :D
It would be great if he decided to get everything running again, but if not, then at least he did what he could while he was here. Thanks, MF! You're welcome back anytime. :)
We don't ask much from "the great ones".... just add one box...
We all know how it is.. one box isnt that much...

it cant hurt...
its just one...
Mattman said:
It would be great if he decided to get everything running again, but if not, then at least he did what he could while he was here. Thanks, MF! You're welcome back anytime. :)

Well said.