Broken mobo or bad cpu?


Nov 3, 2002
My dad the mister "i know what i am doing" guy decieded a few months ago to help me put on the heatsink fan to my cpu (i cracked 1 and so now i am paranoid as hell) well i told him just put a dab of liquid stuff (i forget the name of it off the top of my head) he decided to put the dab then smear it all over the chip I told him he's a moron and might of just ruined the chip. We put it in boot it up it seems normal but 3 problems seem to exist A. my soyo dragon platinum kt400 (i believe) auto detects it as 2200+ athlon when it is in fact a 2800+. I am forced to manually set in bios the fsb to 166mhz. 2. When i have it at this setting i go to my pc health in the bios and i noticed the die is at 95-100 c (200 degree's for us americans) but the cpu tempature externaly is showing 49-52c. C. this i thought was just because of the bad smear job but i had to just replace the cpu because it seemed to have burned out (it would boot work for a few minutes then reboot then work for even longer but still crash games at times and so on) when we pulled out the old chip (old being 3 months) we saw there was lint on it. I must admitt the appartment i live in is very linty for some damn reason but surprised to see it on the chip since it's been under a heatsink for 3 months. I am with the new chip still getting 95-100 C on die temps

so my question is do you think this is a mobo/cpu/ram/psu problem oh and i am using 3200 ddrram pny brand not the best but i don't need the 3 extra fps
yup all over the orange pcb including the little bricks (cache?) but the second we didn't do that to i made sure he just got it on the die
The thermal paste has to be thinly applied. More importantly it must be evenly applied. Use a toothpick or cocktail stick to evenly apply it across the small squarish silvery bit in the middle of the chip. No mountains of the stuff like meringue! Then in one action, put the heatsink unit in place. If you get this the wrong way round, take it off and smooth the paste again (wipe it off the heatsink).

Once the heatsink is in place, then work on getting the clips down. This varies from processor to processor and hsf unit to hsf unit.

Once the clips are on, you're nearly there. The hsf will have a couple of degrees of twist in it. Twist it a couple of times, then make sure it's on squarely.

Power the machine up, go into the bios, and make sure the temperature levels off after a couple of minutes use. Over time the thermal paste's performance will improve as it "beds" in (though only slightly).

Processors have thermal ratings, and will be certified up to 90 C (my last Athlon was). Download motherboard monitor if your machine crashes. Put a shortcut to it in your Startup group in windows, and start benchmarking. If you notice the heat rises sharply before it crashes, your hsf may not be on securely (I've had this problem myself - it may be quite common).
thnx ColinR I will deffinetly have to make sure of this I am going to check my heatsink now just incase thnx a lot