BSOD on vista for the first time.


Limp Gawd
Jan 15, 2007
I got my first blue screen on vista 32-bit yesterday after I installed Crysis Warhead. It was on the menu screen, the screen started to mess up and boom, bsod!!! :(

Any ideas? Help?
The first thing I am going to recommend is to run memtest86. Vista is a little more sensitive to RAM.
Yeah, I ran it before and it was fine. I am able to play the original Crysis on high/ultra high settings w/o a problem. I don't know what happened w/ Crysis Warhead.. :(
Warhead BSOD'ed on my where the first Crysis never did but it seemed to be driver releated. I went back to a older release at the time and it never BOSD'ed again.

I love Crysis but it is a little rough technically. Warhead is the ONLY game that's BSOD'ed, froze, our locked in several years for me.
Hmm, but all my current games work except for the warhead... That's too much work!!!