Build a HardOCP App for Smart Phones

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Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
More and more of you are asking me for a HardOCP and HardForum application for your smartphone. Would like to know if any of you can make this happen or refer me to someone that can. Thanks.
we got the mobile version..... what additional functionality were people wanting?
we got the mobile version..... what additional functionality were people wanting?

Honestly, I have no idea. I keep getting emails asking for an "app." I have a feeling that people just want a shortcut on their desktop....I am open to suggestions though.
I think most folks are wanting something like this or this . Personally I'm fine using the mobile page or even the full desktop page on my phone. Issues on a smaller screen maybe?
Actually, been looking into this Windows 7 Phones! It's actually pretty simple to scrape and repurpose the HTML, trying to figure a layout for it, haven't had as much time to look into but if anyone has any ideas about how it should be laid out, post some screen mockups please!
The XDA app is very nice and more touch friendly than the mobile version of say this site. If I had a hardforum app I would use it constantly now that I have my Captivate.
I think most folks are wanting something like this or this . Personally I'm fine using the mobile page or even the full desktop page on my phone. Issues on a smaller screen maybe?

Thanks, that's kind of what I was needing. If there's something more specific out there please feel free to pass it along.
The XDA app is very nice and more touch friendly than the mobile version of say this site. If I had a hardforum app I would use it constantly now that I have my Captivate.

Could you provide or point to screen shots of the major screens in that app? Thanks!
Kyle, instead of doing an actual dedicated hardocp app, why not use some something like tapatalk? It's available for BB, Android, Nokia, and Apple (and I'm sure there will be one avalible for windows mobile 7) and it's free for you.

A dedicated app would be nicer and I'm sure a lot of people would buy it (I know that I would) but the thing that sucks is you'd need to have it done for multiple platforms.
A dedicated app would be nicer and I'm sure a lot of people would buy it (I know that I would) but the thing that sucks is you'd need to have it done for multiple platforms.

Or you could just make it for android and tell Steve Jobs to suck it.

Seriously though I think you had a good idea.
Kyle, instead of doing an actual dedicated hardocp app, why not use some something like tapatalk? It's available for BB, Android, Nokia, and Apple (and I'm sure there will be one avalible for windows mobile 7) and it's free for you.

A dedicated app would be nicer and I'm sure a lot of people would buy it (I know that I would) but the thing that sucks is you'd need to have it done for multiple platforms.

Don't want to be locked into some middle man for technology then having to pay on top of that is a deal killer for me. I want to keep our access to tech information 100% free to the reader.
Or you could just make it for android and tell Steve Jobs to suck it.

Seriously though I think you had a good idea.

This is my thought exactly. Do it for Android and move on.
I have actually been playing around with the Android app builder specifically for Forum/Blog type stuff.

It is super basic right now, but maybe you could use something like that?
Could you provide or point to screen shots of the major screens in that app? Thanks!

Search the Market for XDA it'll come up.
The 2nd link in my first post is to the XDA forum app. It's pretty basic and simple. Shows small fingernails of uploaded pics etc... Only frustrating thing I've found is clicking on links in posts. I use that one primarily because XDA doesn't have a mobile version that I've found anyway. Tapatalk (firstlink in my post) was cool for a day. Had none of the forums I frequent so I ditched it.

One really cool feature of XDA's is you can set it up to only go to the subforums you're intrested in saves some time.
I'd like to see some adjustments made to the [H] mobile style for mobile Safari. Currently, it's displaying too wide.
well the mobile version is fine, but I would love to be able to search the forums more easily and specially teh hot deals and for sale section. I am down to pay few bucks for it too, cuz I browse this site alot. Trust me as much as I see people browsing this site, they will be more then happy to pay 2 bucks to get an easy access app. This site is very helpful to me and even if you don't charge have a donate button. I think Hardocp deserve that much atleast.
The XDA Forum app is built off of Tapatalk. So... even though it's a "dedicated" app, it's using the exact same code as the already free Tapatalk plug-in. Just a heads up to you all.
Yea, Tapatalk rebrands its app specifically for one forum if you so choose, itll be yours to do whatever you want with it, you can add/remove features, ect, Basically your getting your own forum app to do whatever you so choose with it.

The Link is right here Kyle

It does seem a bit expensive, but if you so choose to put a fee on it, if only for a limited time to recoup the costs, I'm sure I wont be the only one willing to pay for it.
what is the mobile version of [H]? i am new to smartphones etc and my google/forum fu fails me
when you load on your phone, go to the bottom left where theres a dropdown menu that says [H]ard|Forum vBulletin 3 Style click it and pick [H] Mobile and you'll have a better site formatted for mobile screens.
when you load on your phone, go to the bottom left where theres a dropdown menu that says [H]ard|Forum vBulletin 3 Style click it and pick [H] Mobile and you'll have a better site formatted for mobile screens.

thank you very much :)
Yea, Tapatalk rebrands its app specifically for one forum if you so choose, itll be yours to do whatever you want with it, you can add/remove features, ect, Basically your getting your own forum app to do whatever you so choose with it.

The Link is right here Kyle

It does seem a bit expensive, but if you so choose to put a fee on it, if only for a limited time to recoup the costs, I'm sure I wont be the only one willing to pay for it.
$999 per forum? or is that per domain?

So if Hard has 20 separate "forums," it will cost Kyle $20k?

Fuck that
Tapatalk seems pretty pricey. The XDA devs app is alright, but I don't think it's worth shelling out a grand for a license. IMO the mobile version of the site is more than sufficient-maybe just add thumbnail images and a few other minor improvements? If people really want an app, maybe code one to simply redirect the web browser to the mobile version of the site?
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$999 per forum? or is that per domain?

So if Hard has 20 separate "forums," it will cost Kyle $20k?

Fuck that

Tapatalk seems pretty pricey. The XDA devs app is alright, but I don't think it's worth shelling out a grand for a license. IMO the mobile version of the site is more than sufficient-maybe just add thumbnail images and a few other minor improvements? If people really want an app, maybe code one to simply redirect the web browser to the mobile version of the site?

Yes, I know its pricey, but thats the only devs i can think of that do it, and i think its only 1k, HardForum is only one forum.

It was only a suggestion, if i find anyone else who does it, ill be sure to inform everyone :)
Writing a new one from scratch won't be simple. Won't be cheap either.

Say it takes about a month to write/debug, that would be around 3-4k for developer and then further support, etc.

One thing though, before you do anything, you need to think about what the app needs to do. Otherwise you'll go into forever feature creep and who knows what will be produced...
Writing a new one from scratch won't be simple. Won't be cheap either.

Say it takes about a month to write/debug, that would be around 3-4k for developer and then further support, etc.

One thing though, before you do anything, you need to think about what the app needs to do. Otherwise you'll go into forever feature creep and who knows what will be produced...

Yea, so it definitely makes the tapatalk seem very viable at only 1k, but as a dedicated computer/gadget forum, you would think we would have quite a few talented developers who could make this happen. Maybe if it was posted on the front page? Or a forum announcement? Something to get everyone to see it, and have a developer ping Kyle, and show him a basic rough draft? Or even better, get a contest with prize money, pick the top 3 and have everyone in the forum vote on it?
when you load on your phone, go to the bottom left where theres a dropdown menu that says [H]ard|Forum vBulletin 3 Style click it and pick [H] Mobile and you'll have a better site formatted for mobile screens.

Thanks I was wondering how to do this
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
well the mobile version is fine, but I would love to be able to search the forums more easily and specially teh hot deals and for sale section. I am down to pay few bucks for it too, cuz I browse this site alot. Trust me as much as I see people browsing this site, they will be more then happy to pay 2 bucks to get an easy access app. This site is very helpful to me and even if you don't charge have a donate button. I think Hardocp deserve that much atleast.

I think an easy way to do this would be to tie it into the current member fee thing. The one that lets you access the GenMay. Buying access to GenMay also buys you access to the mobile app. I have no idea how hard that would be to implement, but it would simplify accounting and you'd have a shortcut to GenMay.
I think an easy way to do this would be to tie it into the current member fee thing. The one that lets you access the GenMay. Buying access to GenMay also buys you access to the mobile app. I have no idea how hard that would be to implement, but it would simplify accounting and you'd have a shortcut to GenMay.

Yes, but Kyle wants it for everyone, with a genmay sub or not. He wants it free also, but im not sure how feasible free would be with the cost of developing an app. Which is why i suggested making it paid for a limited time just to cover the cost.
If anyone has solutions to build us an application, please contact me via email. I am looking for someone to solve the problem, not consult on what might could be done maybe.
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