Building the bright flashy rig....


Dec 1, 2006
ok guys im building the brightest, 1337 machine known to man for my cousin, he wants something that looks awesome, he doesn't really care how fast it'll run but he just wants something to play WoW on and listen to alot of music. So i'll use an athlon 64-

with this card-

and 1 gig of ram.

I'll be using this case/keyboard/mouse/psu combo-

With 4, bright 80mm blue led fans, 4 15''' blue sound activated cathodes, a flashy fan controller that has blue leds built into the knobs. this rig is on a budget too, 350 bucks total planned. I want this thing to be bright as hell, leds everywhere, look very boom boom flashy brightness, so i'll also be looking for a cooler that allows me to install a 80 mm fan that has LEDs in it, or find a 70mm fan with leds to put on the stock cooler. Does anyone know how i can make this a decent basic rig, able to play WoW and Counterstrike, be very cheap as well as a very bright flashy looking rig? I want people to have seizures looking at his rig when i'm done. :)
buy a rig used from these forums and then spend the rest of the money on bling bling accessories