Burnout Paradise


Jan 10, 2005
Should be out today....who got it?? I'm headed over to Best Buy after work to pick it up. Anyone have it already? What do you think? What is different from the demo?
I'm curious about this one, too. I'm an old fan, but didn't really care for the demo. Hopefully the final is a little more like the older games and less like NFS.
It's just unfortunate for those of us with spouses/ family/ close friends who have enjoyed playing the past Burnouts locally, that there is no split-screen multiplayer. If not for that one thing, I would be buying it today.
That was one of my main points when I was trying to figure out if I was going to buy this game or not. Eventually I decided that I still had a really good time playing the single player, and the added online play is a lot of fun too.
I was thinking about picking this up also, does anybody know which version is the "one" to get?
1up's review said the PS3 version looked better, but I don't know if I can handle those damn PS3 controller triggers.
It's just unfortunate for those of us with spouses/ family/ close friends who have enjoyed playing the past Burnouts locally, that there is no split-screen multiplayer. If not for that one thing, I would be buying it today.

AHhh no split screen, too bad i would have got it.:(
Initially it was me and my friend, we had decided that the demo didnt really impress us. So we had made the decision to wait for some reviews and maybe more indepth gameplay videos before picking it up.

HOWEVER, someone out of the loop broke down and bought it. Snowball effect. We have about 5 people now who bought the game and gonna boot it up soon to play together. Damn peer pressure.
The demo was horrible and unsold me on the game pretty fast, so I'm passing.

I'm also really really picky about what game to drop a full $60 on, and DMC 4 is too close to drop the money on anything else.
I think the demo was alright. But who pays $60 for games? I just bought skate off ebay brand new for $38 total including shipping and I bought warhawk off amazon for $40 including shipping.
It's not bad. It IS a bit frustrating that you can't just do the events; you have to drive around and stop at all the lights. You can't even get a compass to tell you where to go, you have to just look at the map or stumble across them. There was one game that allowed you to either do it the manual way, or you could just select the race from the map and instantly jump into the race. The game is seriously fucking fast though, there've been quite a few times where I was in awe of the sheer amount of pieces of metal flying every which direction all the time.
WTF no splitscreen are you guys serious!!!

Definetly not going to buy this! I guess I am going to just have to buy Burnout Revenge for 360
I like it. The only things that frustrate me are the lack of local 2 player via a split screen and that I keep getting lost. I wish they used something more than a small map and the street signs to help guide you in a race. I keep getting well into 1st place only to make a bad turn and lose. Then I have to figure out where the race started from since I can't just hit re-try.

I'm probably going to break my controller over that.
I keep getting well into 1st place only to make a bad turn and lose. Then I have to figure out where the race started from since I can't just hit re-try.

^^Thats the stupidest thing i've ever heard for a racing game. You can't restart? Definitely not going anywhere close to this game.
I like it. The only things that frustrate me are the lack of local 2 player via a split screen and that I keep getting lost. I wish they used something more than a small map and the street signs to help guide you in a race. I keep getting well into 1st place only to make a bad turn and lose. Then I have to figure out where the race started from since I can't just hit re-try.

I'm probably going to break my controller over that.

Reminds me of NFS Underground 2. It's got the same issue. Based upon the setup for this game, I'd be shocked if that game wasn't either inspiration or the team that made it was working on Paradise.
I was thinking about picking this up also, does anybody know which version is the "one" to get?
1up's review said the PS3 version looked better, but I don't know if I can handle those damn PS3 controller triggers.

IGN said:
Burnout Paradise is an amazing technical feat and looks great on both systems. The absence of loading screens, the rock solid framerate, the detail on car models, and the sheer speed at which everything is rendered is a stunning achievement. That being said, there are some small but noticeable differences that make the PS3 the clear choice in this category. You'll notice that while colors seem a little more subdued on the PS3 (we were playing with identical screen brightness settings), there is generally a bit more detail in the environments, especially in town with lots of objects being rendered in a comparatively small area.

Likewise, the draw distance is a little cleaner and more distinct in the PS3 version. The 360 version also has a fair amount of pop-in, especially with distant objects. I also found cars in traffic would sometimes add-in a last layer of texture detail as I got closer to them in the 360 version. There's some pop-in in the PS3 version too, but generally speaking, it's much less noticeable, restricted to a tree or some bushes in the background. The PS3 had the slight edge in lighting effects in as well, with some interesting refraction or glint happening at almost all times on your car model, while the 360's lighting seems a little less pronounced.

While both versions of the game run at rock solid framerates, it did seem like the PS3's was a little bit faster, running silky smooth at high speeds. The 360 version is an admirable production but the framerate does seem slightly slower than the PS3's, with an occasional hitch at high speeds. This isn't something to be too concerned about as both version look and feel great at top speed, and most people probably won't ever see a difference unless switching back and forth on an HD monitor. Also, some people may actually prefer the overall look of the 360 version because colors seem to pop a little more brightly from the screen, but otherwise, the game is just a bit more detailed, smoother, and better lit on the PS3. Both versions really do look great, but the edge has to go to the PS3 here.

I don't have an X360, but for those that own both, it seems like the choice is clear. Although I do like digital vibrance, but on ATI hw ? :)
The PS3 has slightly better framerate. While the 360 framerate can drop below 60 from time to time, the PS3 framerate is generally pristine. Also, the PS3 generally has better color outputs than the 360 (less saturated). The 360 version of Burnout seems to have better texture filtering though. There has been some talk about more texture pop-in in the 360 version compared to the PS3 version.

Very minor graphical issues indeed...both versions are fairly identical.

Other than that you have:

-the difference in controllers (personal preference...I prefer the PS3 controller for racing games).

-the difference in online networks (on 360, there's the advantage of being able to invite people that aren't currently in the game, while on the PS3 there's the advantage of being able to play for free).

-custom sountracks...the 360 has this while the PS3 doesn't.

PS3 is my console of choice for this, as a perfectly stable framerate is more important to me than custom soundtracks. Also, I like the PS3 controller for racing games, as I don't find the 360 triggers suited to racing games for some reason (just like I think the PS3 triggers aren't suited to shooters).\

Oh yeah, and this game is pretty awesome =D. The open world thing really does work well, you just simply have to tailor your playing to that (when you fail a race, don't go back to the start...go do another race instead). Online is great and seamless as well. Picked this up, along with Endless Ocean (Wii) and Advance Wars: Days of Ruin (DS) yesterday.
we were playing it a lot together last nite. towards the end of the night we just stopped caring about the challenges and races. and it turned out to an all out smash fest seeing who can catch who.

I was playing the singleplayer a little today. The main thing about not being able to restart is annoying, but the few races i've did were fun, fast and easy. And as soon as i cross the finish, i start another race.

I'm really having a lot of fun with the game right now just roaming around finding jumps, billboards and races.

BTW I'm on the xbox 360 version. The ps3 version may be better from what I've heard, but all my friends own a 360 and playing with others is just pure fun.
I've been playing since yesterday, maybe clocked in about 10hrs already. I'm enjoying myself with just the single player (mainly because I can't connect to EA servers... anyone else with this problem?). I've gotten my B Class license and the difficulty has been stepped up quite a bit in the races compared to the lower classes. Crash mode will be missed but Showtime mode is still amusing. Crash mode in a sense is like a maze and Showtime mode is like Tetris. That's the feeling I get from it.

The only gripe I have with game is related to either shitty xbox live or shitty ea servers. When I try to connect to Freeburn or any other online feature in the game and the game can't connect to the server, the connection screen will just continue trying to connect with no way to back out of that screen. So the only way to get out is to quit the game to dashboard or reset the console.
I'm debating about getting this game. The demo was okay, but tons and tons of my PSN friends love it and want me to get it, so I may give in to the peer pressure. I do love the idea of taking my picture with the PS Eye, every time someone crashes into me. :D
On getting lost, earlier I took a short cut and came out somewhere I didn't want to. I turned around and made my way to the finish line, and as I got closer the little red arrows that signify the competition were closing in on the line at the same rate, in the opposite direction. We had a massive head on under the red banner, and I earned 3rd place, but it was about the most intense race I've ever had with the computer. I must have lost 1st by about .050 seconds.
I'm gonna be picking this game up cause I enjoy the series and enjoyed the demo. The thing I find the funniest is how people complain that after they lost a race they can't "reset" back to the beginning of the race and lets think about this for a second, I realize its a game and games aren't real but if you went out and raced someone and lost you'd have to manually make your way back too...
I'm gonna be picking this game up cause I enjoy the series and enjoyed the demo. The thing I find the funniest is how people complain that after they lost a race they can't "reset" back to the beginning of the race and lets think about this for a second, I realize its a game and games aren't real but if you went out and raced someone and lost you'd have to manually make your way back too...

That's true, but the last time I was racing it was on a track. Kind of an automatic reset there. Of course, when you crash in real life you don't just magically pop up all fine and dandy again in a few seconds either. It's an odd line to draw.

I'm ok with the 'no reset' thing though. Like others, I just find something else to do. The game is so open that even the same race could end up being very different, so it's not like past versions where you're stuck on rails and nothing changes.
I just got 45 takedowns in a Road Rage event...I'm going to see if I can do 100.

BTW...didn't use the repair shop at all.
I'm waiting on this one till a price drop or used, mostly because of the humongous design change, lack of restart option, etc.

Even though the PS3 has the edge and I own both, I'll have to go with the 360 on this one. My intense hatred for the Sixaxis/D.S. design will keep me from playing almost all multi platform games on PS3.

Additionally, all my friends own 360's, only two of us own PS3's
Man...apparently all of my friends decided to get this game after all. Half of my friend list (including the ones that are almost never on) seem to be playing this 24/7. I might have to take one for the team and get it after all.
It really is a fun game. I am upset that there is no split screen and I really liked the old crash mode compared to the new showtime mode. But I still have a real great time playing it.
AHhh no split screen, too bad i would have got it.:(

WTF no splitscreen are you guys serious!!!

Definetly not going to buy this! I guess I am going to just have to buy Burnout Revenge for 360

A lot of people, myself included, share these sentiments. The lack of split-screen is just one of the things that destroyed this series. Screwing up the whole open-world thing was another. It does not seem to have be implemented well at all. The final straw, which I posted about a while back, is that I refuse to support a company with such an immature attitude, as they displayed in the interview I posted in another thread, literally slinging shit at their fans and general gaming public.

Seriously too bad, because my wife and I were seriously looking forward to a new Burnout, but there will be another arcade racer some day (I hope) to take the place of Burnout and get us arcade style, split-screen racing fans back into the action.
Man...apparently all of my friends decided to get this game after all. Half of my friend list (including the ones that are almost never on) seem to be playing this 24/7. I might have to take one for the team and get it after all.

Im in this boat too. Even tho the demo left me unimpressed, all the glowing reviews and every1 on the friends list playing it makes me think about picking it up. Might grab it on way home.
I've been playing it, and I can say that the no restart thing is pretty much a non-issue at this point (Class B license, working on A). Since literally every intersection has a race, when I fail somehow, I just pull up to a nearby intersection and try something different in 5 seconds.

The open map design for races is sometimes confusing - it's only been an actual issue a handful of times, as the game does a good job of telling me when it wants me to turn, and sometimes taking a wrong turn can lead to some kind of awesome shortcut. The races are set up so there's only 8 'finish lines,' one for each point of the compass, so you generally start to learn what to expect for the last third of the race as you're funneling in from whatever direction with all the other cars.

I'm sad to see Crash mode go. Really sad. I don't think I'm going to be touching Showtime very much.

It's a lot better than the demo overall though, and I'd recommend it to any of my friends that liked Burnout games before.
Im in this boat too. Even tho the demo left me unimpressed, all the glowing reviews and every1 on the friends list playing it makes me think about picking it up. Might grab it on way home.

Well i picked it up on the way home. Along with the Circuit City new Gamer club thing thats 20 bucks a year. Saves 10% on every game and gaming accessory at the store. I definitely will spend more than enough to make my 20 bucks back.

Comcast guy is here fixing my cable TV though so hopefully ill get to hop on in a bit.
Just got done playing with 3 other random people on quickplay. We all had a blast doing the challenges even though some were super frustrating, like doing a barrel roll through the fuselage thats 30 feet in the air. Played for about 3hours with them.
Bought it (360) and love it! They did mess up leaving out mission restarts, crash mode, split screen, and my fave, being able to save crash replays. But doing family round robin racing is always fun! Got Class B last night, and I think like 14 of 75 cars. Got half of the 400 gate crashes.
Well I picked up the PS3 version yesterday and the game is pretty good. Some of those crashes make me flinch sometimes, but I hate not being able to restart a race if you make a wrong turn by mistake. But I would definately say it's a purchase. And I'm still not sure how to unlock cars, I have about 5 now but is it just random or based on license status or what?
Well I picked up the PS3 version yesterday and the game is pretty good. Some of those crashes make me flinch sometimes, but I hate not being able to restart a race if you make a wrong turn by mistake. But I would definately say it's a purchase. And I'm still not sure how to unlock cars, I have about 5 now but is it just random or based on license status or what?

You usually get them for upgrading your license or completing some races. A lot of times they will say that its driving around and you have to wreck it for it to be available to you. I'm on Class B and I only have like 10 cars maybe.
also to get more cars, each car has their own special edition, usually with updated graphics and better boost/engine. All of their special editions count as cars of the 75 availiable.

To get them, you need to do a "Burning Route" with each car to get their special editions, which are pretty much timed races by yourself, similar to the old burnouts. The burning route availible for that car is signified by a star in an orange circle either on your minimap or global map.

Also, for you people who don't know, you can unlock speical promo cars in the game (US versions only) by entering codes. The codes are "walmart", "gamestop", "circuitcity", "bestbuy" all lowercase without the double quotes.

for more information about the game and codes, check out the FAQ section of www.burnoutaholics.com thats where i got most of my info =).

And enjoy the game, I'm loving it
Not really what I think of as "Burnout" but still one of the best arcade racers I've ever played. Gotta love the schizo sountrack though...Soundgarden...Avril Lavigne...Twisted Sister..:D

edit- the "no restart" thing is only a pain in the ass when you lose a race that takes you up into the hills where there are very few races and no repair shops/junkyards. Takes forever to get back to the city...but at least you can have fun doing it. ;)
Is the crash mode in this game? TBH, this makes or breaks the game for me, and the crash mode in Burnout 2 is what kept me paying attention to this series thus far.

Crash mode is a seriously fun party game!
Is the crash mode in this game? TBH, this makes or breaks the game for me, and the crash mode in Burnout 2 is what kept me paying attention to this series thus far.

Crash mode is a seriously fun party game!

The crash mode is now showtime, its slightly different to crash mode but better imo, You can basically enter showtime whenever you want by pressing l1+r1, this is excellent if your canning it and see some heavy traffic coming up, basically every car you hit fills up your burnout meter a little and you can continue rolling or every 10/20/30 cars you hit the bar fills right up. Hitting buses multiplies your score. Even if your cruising along and accidentally crash you can enter showtime, i think my biggest online showtime is about $3.5 million in damage covering over 1500yards! There is no crash breaker mode in showtime though and i dont think there are replays, I may be wrong as i have only touched the surface of the game
The multiplayer eyetoy inclusion is pretty good, i see lots of puzzled faces of opponents ive taken out!