Call of Duty Infographic: "How big is Call of Duty?"


Jan 17, 2004
Here's a cool infographic I ran across. And... cue the inevitable cod vs bf3 vs pc vs console discussion.

In before "Well it just proves 6.1 (MW2)/8 (BLOPS) million people are stupid and don't deserve the right to choose their own video games!"
I guess a lot of people enjoy generic shooters with abysmal FOV, insane death/respawn rates, and skinner-box progression - aka. a lot of newcomers, not the people who are used to better stuff
Looks like a presentation at a Paper supply company meeting and call of duty is about as entertaining as one.
CoD hasn't been relevant among real gamers since Modern Warfare 2, not sure why people keep bringing it up. It offers nothing new for the PC gamer, as it's all the same old rehash, it's the modern day Madden franchise, only instead of roster updates, you're buying a $60 map pack.
Well it just proves 6.1 (MW2)/8 (BLOPS) million people are stupid and don't deserve the right to choose their own video games!
I guess it shows my accounting/business background in university, as I found the presentation interesting, even though I have no interest in CoD.
I got into the COD thing @ Modern Warfare

Modern Warfare 2 was nice except for some of the stupid decisions they made (like no dedicated servers)

Black Ops was "okay"

I gave up after that -- BF3 was in town and it's much much sexier. If they ever put MW3 on some kinda awesome steam sale I might get it, but for the time being I have so many awesome games to play. between Forza4, BF3, SR3, and Orcs Must Die... haha I have zero time!
In before "Well it just proves 6.1 (MW2)/8 (BLOPS) million people are stupid and don't deserve the right to choose their own video games!"

Lots of people are more than happy to shell out $60 for the exact same product every year. Feel free to draw your own conclusions but I can't invent any with any flattering spin.
I liked COD games...Then I played BF3 and will never go back. Thats the quality games should have to be at.
Lots of people are more than happy to shell out $60 for the exact same product every year. Feel free to draw your own conclusions but I can't invent any with any flattering spin.
Your premise is flawed. It's not the same product.

HL2 was HL1 with better physics and a gravity gun. Everything is derivative to some extent.
FYI My comment was in good fun. I harbor no ill will on MW players. I would totally play one if they were ever reasonably priced. I would also be more enticed if they were crossplatform. All my family plays on PS3. I only own a PC.
average or not, its obviously doing something right. Plenty of other 'generic' 'average' 'blah blah blah' FPS shooters out there that don't come close.
average or not, its obviously doing something right. Plenty of other 'generic' 'average' 'blah blah blah' FPS shooters out there that don't come close.

200 million spent on advertising can convince millions of people that anything is the Second Coming, including Call of Duty.
It's really worth pondering: How/why is CS still so damned popular?

Because its a great game? I don't play it much these days, but not because I don't enjoy it, just no time with other games. It seems no matter what happens 1.6 can always pull me back in.
It's really worth pondering: How/why is CS still so damned popular?

Because it's stupid fun to play. I play on FragFree DM server all the time. It's a great time killer and there's no learning curve at all.

I'm also still playing CoD:MW2 myself. I keep putting the game down for a month or so and picking it back up every level or two. I'm in no hurry.
Because its a great game? I don't play it much these days, but not because I don't enjoy it, just no time with other games. It seems no matter what happens 1.6 can always pull me back in.

I know it's great...that speaks for itself considering all this time...what I'm trying to get at with my question is: How and why? What makes it great? What qualities about it have made it have this kind of lasting power?
"13 million: Number of active Xbox live players of Call of Duty:MW2 in 2009 alone"

That's roughly $780,000,000 in game sales and $780,000,000 in Xbox Gold membership fees for the year. This is exactly why PC gaming is dying. What developer in their right mind would want to develop for the PC when there is this huge cash cow on Xbox???
"13 million: Number of active Xbox live players of Call of Duty:MW2 in 2009 alone"

That's roughly $780,000,000 in game sales and $780,000,000 in Xbox Gold membership fees for the year. This is exactly why PC gaming is dying. What developer in their right mind would want to develop for the PC when there is this huge cash cow on Xbox???

It isn't dying, it's evolving.

But to answer the question, I can think of a couple:
1. Indie developers who don't want to get effed over by publishers/microsoft.
2. Companies that can adjust to the landscape. IE: Good f2p games can probably bring in more money/person than retail ones.
200 million spent on advertising can convince millions of people that anything is the Second Coming, including Call of Duty.

why doesnt everyone do this then? That makes it sound like a guaranteed amazing return on any investment if you spend the marketing cash... :rolleyes: