can a fan cause a big power fluxuation?


Jun 8, 2004
I had just finished installing my water system(CPU & NB) and decided to be quick about hooking everything up, so I could see what I could do with my new toy.

So I had one of my case fans hooked up fresh from the power supply, and then had the connection from the fan go into my radeon 9800.

When I started up my system, the fan made a helluva lot of noise(this noise usually happened every tiem i started the system, and would last a minute or two. yet, i never managed to track down what was making the noise). So i reach back to grab at the frame of the fan just to see if it is loose a little, and find myself breaking a fan blade on my finger.
Next thing i notice is that my video immediately cuts out, and go figure my vid card is now dead. To my best assumption, when i jammed the fan, it cause some surge or sumthin that went to the vid card and killed it.

Can a fan actually do this?

and aslo, whats the best way to remove the OCZ ramsinks off my vid card?(since I'm making a thread anyway :p)
any component that has a voltage resistence can do this ... is the video card really dead?
The computer will post fine, but there is no display.

I swapped the card into another system, and sure enough, it's gone...
1. Your PSU might not be very strong

2. When connecting high power components, connect them on their own wire. (don't connect a bunch of stuff to the molex connectors all on the same set of wires with a high power device)

I hope you get your system back up and running soon. :(