Can I move my Telco demarcation point?


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - April 2006
Oct 8, 2003
I'm buying a house in the next few weeks, and beyond the normal "you have to have GFCI outlets near sinks" type stuff, one of the major things I want to do is run cable, telephone and network cable to most every room in the house..... But I noticed something weird (to me at least) and I want to fix it.....

I have a full basement which is unfinished (great for running wire!).... there are no interior walls in the basement, except for those around the small 3/4 bathroom.... Here's where the problem is..... the Telephone Company's demarcation point is... well... DIRECTLY above the shower.... I can stand in the shower and reach my hand up and touch the demarc.... This seems like a horrible place to have this (humidity and rust aside).... Right now, it's on the 2nd or 3rd floor beam from the exterior wall... Can I move this? Can I put it on the inside of the exterior beam (and also out of the confines of the shower)?

I figured the majority of you guys deal only with networks, but I figured a few out there might have some Telco experience or knowledge...

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

You cant move the demarc, but you could call the phone company and have them do it.
not even if it's a "unscrew it from the beam, move it a couple feet, and screw it down again" type thing? (read: no messing with the connections/wires/etc , just moving where it is)

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

get the telco to move it. Its going to be easier that way in the long run. I know I know, you know how to run the wires. But coming from a telco perspective, you may have service with a company who is not as forgiving of its customers and might run into problems down the road.

Investigate your municipality code /state code regarding such things (proximity to water/etc) to give you leverage with your telco provider to have them move it at their cost, or the cost of your builder.
I just called Verizon and explained to them the situation. They said they are responsible for everything from the pole to the exterior of the house. They have a box on the exterior of the house and everything past that is my responsibility.... I talked to them about the terminals above the shower, and he seemed to think that it was not something that belonged to them (ie. I can move it if I want/need to).... he said that anything past the exterior box was my problem.....

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

Sounds like a typical phone company response...and they could actually be right. My parents just recent built a house, all the telco did was leave a cable hanging just inside the house, and letting the media guy take over (the poor job he did is another story entirely). Didn't matter though, as we ended up switching to Vonage...just cut the phone cable leading to the patch panel, crimped a RJ11 on it, and stuck it into the ATA.

I'd actually suggest you switch to Vonage/VoIP... so much cheaper than PSTN. Those guys would be completely screwed if it weren't for the fact that phone service almost never dies unless a pole goes down. But VoIP services will forward to your cell (Network Availability), so not really an issue.
Vonage isn't available in WV yet.... are there any other majors carriers/competitors?

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!
