Can't remove two mounting screws...grrr

Master [H]

Mar 17, 2003
So, I'm gutting a Sony Vaio to play with the parts, but I've hit a snag. Whoever put the motherboard mounting screws in last was the Hulk or used a drill for major overkill.

I want to recover the motherboard in working condition. I don't know if it is safe to use WD-40 to help loosen the screws or what. The underside for the mounting studs has a nut, so I don't know if if I can drill them out or if that's safe.
put the screwdriver straight in and give it little force and see if you can unscrew it, some times that works without breaking the board. i had problems like that and i used big screw driver and that works out great. specially on those dell laptops as they do use drills down there.
Did that and no luck. If I keep it up, I won't have anything to get the screwdriver in.