Cards Against Humanity Makes Over $54K Selling Nothing On Black Friday


Aug 20, 2006
I wonder how many people managed to miss the disclaimer and thought they were getting something.

Why would people pay Cards Against Humanity $5 for absolutely nothing? I assume that most know it’s a joke and feel like the bucks are simply a tip. Maybe for the smile they got from the company or because they’ve long enjoyed their products.
How else was poor Karlee going to afford that YVA 24 karat gold massager?
Eh... if anything it's an interesting social experiment, I mean making multi-page long TOS/EULA type things with everything you do is quite unfair to expect people to read through it every time, this was a simple check box that said "you understand you get nothing"
Actually thought this was cool just so you could brag to your friends that you could say you bought NOTHING on black friday..... aaand not mention that big screen you camped out at Best Buy for.
Last year they sold shit on black friday. A lot of people were surprised that they received actual poop.
Something about idiots and their wallets.
Last I checked when you approve of a product/service, you buy that product/serivce. Paying for nothing is simply being a stupid douche that is duped into thinking they are funny. "AHAHAHA I gave them $5!1!1!one!1!"

Show your support by buying their product, retards - giving them money is giving ANY OTHER corporation money for doing nothing. Did you give Microsoft money for nothing? Did you give Apple money for nothing? It's the same fucking thing, it's a corporation that you are giving money to for no return on assets. I would describe how much of an idiot you are, but that's really unnecessary at this point.
Last I checked when you approve of a product/service, you buy that product/serivce. Paying for nothing is simply being a stupid douche that is duped into thinking they are funny. "AHAHAHA I gave them $5!1!1!one!1!"

Show your support by buying their product, retards - giving them money is giving ANY OTHER corporation money for doing nothing. Did you give Microsoft money for nothing? Did you give Apple money for nothing? It's the same fucking thing, it's a corporation that you are giving money to for no return on assets. I would describe how much of an idiot you are, but that's really unnecessary at this point.

Meh, it's their own money to have fun with as they see fit. Hard to put a price well played shenanigans.

I have made some purchases stupid enough in the past that I would have been better off throwing a fiver at nothing.
Yeah, and the idea that you are supporting some giant corporation..... they put a list together of the 15 or so people this is going to and what they are going to buy with it.

It's showing gratitude and support to a grassroots type company.

That's not to say I'd spend 5 bucks on nothing, but let's not pretend this is going to Hasbro or something.
Yeah, and the idea that you are supporting some giant corporation..... they put a list together of the 15 or so people this is going to and what they are going to buy with it.

In my eyes, it was a tip. People knew it wasn't going to anything.

They did spend some on charity, and some on hipster BS stuff ;), but it was given to them with no expectation of a return on investment. No goods were sold. People were just giving money to them just because. No different in giving money to a pan handler, or a tip for good service (which CAH really does have). They could have bought 71K of hookers and blow, and I wouldn't be mad.

It's not some mindless corporation buying a congressman. It's a bunch of dorks buying video games, whiskey and donating to the charity of their choice....