Cataclysm available for upgrade


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Jul 16, 2010
As of today, you can upgrade your account, start pre-loading it so you can be up and running on Dec7. Servers seem to be overloaded atm as it's impossible to login, at least for me.

I know they said if you buy the expansion digitally you can play at 12 pst. Does this mean that if you buy it at a Gamestop midnight release you have to wait till 12 pst as well, or can you play at 12 est?

I know they said if you buy the expansion digitally you can play at 12 pst. Does this mean that if you buy it at a Gamestop midnight release you have to wait till 12 pst as well, or can you play at 12 est?

Not sure where you got 12 PST from, the ad says you can play the minute servers go live. Typically they bring the servers down before an expansion goes "live." So this means while you might get your copy at midnight, they probably will not bring the servers down til sometime during the AM. Also, the servers might be up early or they might be up late, if indeed they are advertising 12pm, it is just the time they expect them to be up. There's really no advantage to doing it either way, as both let you have Cataclysm installed and ready to go on your computer prior to it going "live."
Not sure where you got 12 PST from, the ad says you can play the minute servers go live. Typically they bring the servers down before an expansion goes "live." So this means while you might get your copy at midnight, they probably will not bring the servers down til sometime during the AM. Also, the servers might be up early or they might be up late, if indeed they are advertising 12pm, it is just the time they expect them to be up. There's really no advantage to doing it either way, as both let you have Cataclysm installed and ready to go on your computer prior to it going "live."

Word. Screw the midnight release then.
I was able to log in and play Burning Crusade when i got home after the midnight release

that was a glorious day
Not sure where you got 12 PST from, the ad says you can play the minute servers go live. Typically they bring the servers down before an expansion goes "live." So this means while you might get your copy at midnight, they probably will not bring the servers down til sometime during the AM. Also, the servers might be up early or they might be up late, if indeed they are advertising 12pm, it is just the time they expect them to be up. There's really no advantage to doing it either way, as both let you have Cataclysm installed and ready to go on your computer prior to it going "live."

If its like it was last time and during the BC expansion then you likely won't see Live servers for about an hour maybe 2. I think the digital download option is long LONG overdue , they should have done this from the on set of BC.
pretty cool, seems like a smart way to avoid the bums rush of downloads come launch day.
For bc and wotlk my server was ready to go at the exact time they said they would be. Now it being 12pst, there is no way in hell i am staying up till 2am but the servers will be up. But needless to say, I already put in the order and have preloaded the first bit.
Yeah same here, it's just a much easier way to deal with it, as it's going to be crazy with two new races and everyone going agro on them.
I am going to opt with the digital download also, doesn't make sense to stand in line, unless you just wanna meet people who play WoW?

i guess that'd be the only real reason to go to a midnight release

but it isn't all it's cracked up to be, me and a friend both went together to pick up our copy, it was 2 hours of waiting, the guys at Gamestop (wisely imo) called out people's names alphabetically by last name, and you came up and got your copy and left, so no lines, no rush, no stampede, none of that bullshit that gets people hurt, etc.

Anyway, i guess the only real cool part of that was talking to other people who play WoW and hanging out with my friend.

I waited untill a month after WOTLK launched to buy it, i heard it had some server stability problems, which was ok, since i didn't have my subscription running at the time.

This time, I think i will play Cata on day 1, but wont' be taking time off from work, how badly would it suck to take time off only to find that servers have problems etc?

We all know the cata patch 4.0.1 had/has a lot of bugs and glitches that have to be fixed before Cata, and your gaming experience when Cata is released is gonna be predicated on how well Blizz cleans up those.

I don't really have any doubt they will, and I hope for a smooth transition to the new expansion.

I am gonna make a Worgen druid though, I know that much, and possibly a goblin something.
Man, I can't decide whether to do this or go to the store. I've been into getting Blizzard's CE games, and Cataclysm already feels more worthwhile than WotLK was (maybe TBC too, but we'll have to see how Cata plays out).

Played in beta and I'm gonna start in Vashj'ir when the game goes live. That zone felt much more adventurous than Hyjal did, including the intro sequence. But then again, I played a very early version of Hyjal when things weren't in place yet.
Also, the servers might be up early or they might be up late, if indeed they are advertising 12pm, it is just the time they expect them to be up. There's really no advantage to doing it either way, as both let you have Cataclysm installed and ready to go on your computer prior to it going "live."

They are not going to restart servers. Cataclysm will be deployed week(s) before 12/7 on servers. Everyone's game client will be updated to 4.0.3a (cataclysm) week(s) before the release. There may be a tiny client update to let you travel to 80+ level zones or get experience from questing. And the release time is 12:01am PST (midnight), not 12pm.
I never play right away as the server goes live, it'll lag like hell on high rep servers. Next day would be a better choice for better gaming experience.
For those of us who bought Collector's Editions, I don't mind waiting to play until the next day, but if you're going to do this sort of thing, it would be really nice if Blizzard would either create "Digital Collector's" editions that are equally easy to upgrade early, but give you the in-game items etc... or at very least allow vendors to send out CE keys to those who have a guaranteed preorder, perhaps 1-3 days before release when they ship?
Wow, they released an update to Homeworld: Cataclysm after all this time?! My faith in PC gaming has been restored!

I know they said if you buy the expansion digitally you can play at 12 pst. Does this mean that if you buy it at a Gamestop midnight release you have to wait till 12 pst as well, or can you play at 12 est?

Apparently. It is either catering to PST gamers going for world/server first achivements:


Or an attempt to get as many people to buy it digitally as possible. Since then they don't have to pay a B&M store its share:


I don't like the idea either way. Hopefully they don't start doing this with all their games.
i would of done digital download buts to late i already pre-ordered it as where and my wife already paid in full at a local store for it so... looks like ill be picking our copies up physically and then installing it. But i feel a sick day coming on for dec 7th
I'll be in line at Gamestop for my Collector's Edition.

Playing that night sucks anyway (as it has for every expansion). Every person who has ever had a subscription to wow logs on to see what's up. Mobs camped, quest items camped... I'll pass. No rush for me TBH. It's just an endless rat race anyway.
You might be right this time, but in the past I didn't have any trouble playing the night of. Was able to login and play just fine. I think it worked out better in the past because people were staggered by time zone. Now instead EVERY person will be logging on and hitting those zones at once :(

Hopefully it will work out ok. If not? Meh, 3am is late anyway I'll just get some sleep :)
I am going to opt with the digital download also, doesn't make sense to stand in line, unless you just wanna meet people who play WoW?

No screw that. I get enough of those jacktards when I'm actually playing WoW. Why would I...on purpose...try to meet any of these social abominations?

DD all the way for me.