

Limp Gawd
Mar 19, 2006
I want to be able to play games on linux. Its the main reason im holding off atm. I tried out the ubuntu live cd, and actually enjoyed the features provided. Id like to dive in, but on occasion I like to pass the time by killing people online. Has anyone tried out Cedega, and did it work out for you. It supports the games im going to be playing. Just would like to get a heads up.
Well, remember there are plenty of games to kill people in that run native on linux. Americas Army remains my favorite for some quick fun, mostly because it is 'free'.

As per Cedega, I don't personally use it (I use this program called Windows XP :)) but I have had it up and running and know a few people that currently use it and, depending upon the system and the games you want to play, it can work well. I don't think I have seen it provide the same speed on modern games as Windows, but a few come close.

But of course there is bad news. Your main stumbling block will be your fancy ATI card in your sig there. With that card, you can all but forget about playing any game in linux at any sort of resonable frame rate at anything beyond 640x480- with or without Cedega. Sad isn't it?
Don't even try, Cedega is trash. You pay for it _AND_ it's almost exactly as bad as Wine.

For games, just get a dual boot going. It'll be a bit tedious, but nothing compared to the torture of configuring a game when on windows you just click.

EDIT: can i please discourage you from linux period? if you're a gamer, linux isn't all it's hyped up to be.

please do know that you'll be in support chats and terminal (no fancy GUI for you, mister) for several months before you get your system even moderately working?

i did -- and i have 2 year old components. linux is no place for any cutting-edge hardware, gaming is out of the question.

EDIT 2: the only reason im not in windows right now is because it broke, and im suffering for half a year now with linux. (btw linux broke windows). don't do it.
HekoAridese said:
Don't even try, Cedega is trash. You pay for it _AND_ it's almost exactly as bad as Wine.

For games, just get a dual boot going. It'll be a bit tedious, but nothing compared to the torture of configuring a game when on windows you just click.

EDIT: can i please discourage you from linux period? if you're a gamer, linux isn't all it's hyped up to be.

please do know that you'll be in support chats and terminal (no fancy GUI for you, mister) for several months before you get your system even moderately working?

i did -- and i have 2 year old components. linux is no place for any cutting-edge hardware, gaming is out of the question.

EDIT 2: the only reason im not in windows right now is because it broke, and im suffering for half a year now with linux. (btw linux broke windows). don't do it.

You have everything wrong except for the fact that he probably shouldnt use linux to game :) Sorry, but you clearly have had some bad experiences... but they are probably not the norm, and a very bad source to give advice about. Overall linux is quite usable and very easy. It lacks in gaming because of the simple fact that developers do not, in general, consider linux when creating games. It simply isn't practical- there is no market share.
Im not one to shy away from a problem. I have dual booted ubuntu before but didnt like the options. My wife is leaving for a week and I have nothing but time on my hands. I will never leave windows, I have simply been with ms far to long to leave. I dont mind the fact that I have to play games on ms, no worries there. Just was wondering if cadega worked or not. From what I read I guess not. Thanks for the input.
Cedega isn't bad. It's certainly not perfect, though. Wine itself has come a long way recently. The big advantages Cedega has over vanilla wine is much better copy protection support and directx support, which are obviously important for games.

Also check to see if your games have a native linux version. Most of the Unreal Tournaments and the Quakes have native linux versions.

Ati's linux drivers have improved quite a bit over the last year, but they're still not as good as nvidia's(from what I've heard - I gave up on ati years ago).
HekoAridese said:
there's about 3 games that you can play on cedega, hope you enjoy it. -.-
You've obviously never actually used cedega. I've run SimCity4, Tiberian Sun, Diablo II, GTA:SA, GTA:VC, among others. Oh, sorry I disproved you in a single sentence. ;) Now please stop trolling the linux forum.
Want me to list all the games I couldn't play?

1. NFS:MW -- It's even officially supported. WTF?!
2. F.E.A.R
3. Earth 2160
4. Rome: Total War
5. Freelancer

Do you want more or are you going to stop being ignorant?
HekoAridese said:
Want me to list all the games I couldn't play?

1. NFS:MW -- It's even officially supported. WTF?!
2. F.E.A.R
3. Earth 2160
4. Rome: Total War
5. Freelancer

Do you want more or are you going to stop being ignorant?
List more! :p

But seriously, though, you said cedega couldn't play more than three games, yet I proved you wrong. If you would have just listed the games you couldn't get to work rather than baselessly attacking cedega then maybe people would take you more seriously. Cedega is not guaranteed to make your games work. It has worked great for me.

Now do you see how much value anecdotal reports have? ;) I listed as many games working as you listed nonworking. Nice reply.
Cedega is free for the source and they ask for a donation for the precompiled binaries. If you want the binaries I'll be happy to get them for you, I'm an Emerald member.

If you have an ATI card, it's quirky. Yes there are drivers but they flat out aren't as robust as nVidia's are simply because nVidia threw their hat into Linux driver development early on.
Yes it's true that Linux gaming isn't as fast as XP gaming but as stated it's due to lack of market share, nothing more.
They packaged version has more then just the binaries, last I understood it also includes some libraries they can't include in the open source version.
The_Mage18 said:
Cedega is free for the source and they ask for a donation for the precompiled binaries. If you want the binaries I'll be happy to get them for you, I'm an Emerald member.

Perhaps you can get them for me? I'd be quite happy.

[email protected]
You know, Cedega is a great product. Its let me run WoW and Guild Wars with little issue. To the people trying to get it for free, either use the CVS or spend the FIVE DOLLARS it takes to get access. Seriously folks, 5 bucks....ive been a member for over 2 years now and its a small price to pay for being able to game in linux.
Cedega costs $15 dollars. Not $5. You have to sign up for 3 months initially.

And I don't want to buy it. I want to be able to test it out and see how well it works with my games first.

I don't know how to use CVS.
As far as I know, the CVS version of cedega doesn't include any of the copy protection stuff(mainly due to legal reasons, but also just to get you to pay the $15 to get cedega), which is one of the big advantages of using cedega in the first place.
Archer75 said:
Cedega costs $15 dollars. Not $5. You have to sign up for 3 months initially.

And I don't want to buy it. I want to be able to test it out and see how well it works with my games first.

I don't know how to use CVS.
You can always try Wine.
Holy crap...use the CVS if you don't want to pay the measly $5 a month.

Either way, unless you only play OpenGL games with a nvidia card, I wouldn't recommend Linux for gaming.
I used to use cedega, I liked it.. I used it for everquest and wow... worked great in both. I agree about the ati part, ati has aweful support in linux as far as gaming is concerned.
Volkum said:
Holy crap...use the CVS if you don't want to pay the measly $5 a month.

Either way, unless you only play OpenGL games with a nvidia card, I wouldn't recommend Linux for gaming.

Because it's not $5/month. It's $15 to start intially. I'm not going to pay for something that may or may not do what I want.

What is CVS and how do you use it?
Archer75 said:
Yes, but you have to pay for all 3 months right up front. If I only had to pay for a single month i'd do it just to see how well it works.

Either way. 15 bucks is a bargain anyway. Read the www.transgaming.org site and browse the forums for everything that works and how it works. If you dont like it, youre out 15 bucks, so what.
4saken said:
Either way. 15 bucks is a bargain anyway. Read the www.transgaming.org site and browse the forums for everything that works and how it works. If you don't like it, you're out 15 bucks, so what.

If you go to the Transgaming web site (www. transgaming.com), they have a 15 day trial you can use to see if you like it.

I would not recommend using Wine unless you know what you are doing. Cedega takes all the pain out of installing and most games "Just work" after you install them...

Games I play using Cedega:
Half Life 1 and mods
Half Life 2 and mods
Diablo 2

How do they perform - for me, I don't see much difference playing them in cedega than I did playing them in Windows (Minus the crashes). Quite frequently, playing them in Cedega proved to be more stable than in Windows. HL2 and mods are one version behind in DX level (8), but with 1.4 shader, its all still good.

Games I play natively:
Quake 2, 3, and 4
UT2004 and mods
Return To Castle Wolf
Enemy Territory
X2: The Threat
tenebrae - (Doom3 style graphics for Quake1)

How do they perform - Well, of the games that also play on Windows, I get better performance out of Linux (Quake4, Doom3, UT2004, RTCW, ET, X-Plane all run about 10% to 20% better in Linux than in Windows).

Naively, Linux games out perform Windows games (For me anyway), however, with Cedega, YMMV (Your Milage May Very).

Either way, without all the damn virus scanners, malware scanners, authenticity checkers, bugs, and bloat, you are better off with Linux anyway...

EmbraceThePenguin said:
How do they perform - Well, of the games that also play on Windows, I get better performance out of Linux (Quake4, Doom3, UT2004, RTCW, ET, X-Plane all run about 10% to 20% better in Linux than in Windows).

Naively, Linux games out perform Windows games (For me anyway), however, with Cedega, YMMV (Your Milage May Very).

Either way, without all the damn virus scanners, malware scanners, authenticity checkers, bugs, and bloat, you are better off with Linux anyway...


Couldn't have said it better myself... If you like the games that run on linux natively then your all set !!!
Yea, although you sometimes lose out on some features. Quake 4 recently added SMP support with the 1.2.1 patch for Linux, and voice chat still isn't available yet, but thats fine with me.
Xipher said:
Yea, although you sometimes lose out on some features. Quake 4 recently added SMP support with the 1.2.1 patch for Linux, and voice chat still isn't available yet, but thats fine with me.

Speaking of voice chat, I'm still eagerly awaiting Ventrilo for Linux. It's been listed as "in development" forever now...