Cell Phones Are Definitely Going To Kill You

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Cell phones are once again going to kill you. Every six months it is safe / dangerous / safe / dangerous / man's best friend / bubonic plague / safe / no data / could be harmful / don't put it in your pocket next to your thingy / safe. Today, cell phones are *rolls dice* "possibly carcinogenic."

Using a mobile phone might increase the risk of developing certain types of brain tumors and consumers should consider ways of reducing their exposure, World Health Organization (WHO) cancer experts said on Tuesday. A working group of 31 scientists from 14 countries meeting at the WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) said a review of all the available scientific evidence suggested cell phone use should be classified as "possibly carcinogenic."
That's why I keep mine encased in an inch of lead at all times.

I now have to wear load-bearing equipment to keep my pants up, but at least I won't catch the cancer.
Not if chewing my gum kills me first.

Everything in moderation in life people, cmon, this isn't hard.
The real question is how many other things do we do day to do, or be around day to day, that are FAR more worse than cell phones?

I'd be willing to bet cell phones are a 0.1 out of 10 on the threat scale in comparison to so many other things that are considered completely safe...
This is beyond silly.

<<Malcolm Sperrin, director of medical physics and clinical engineering at Britain's Royal Berkshire Hospital, said he thought the IARC move was appropriate because it reflected the "anecdotal evidence that cancers may be associated with phone usage.">>

Anecdotal... so, it is still the "we don't have any conclusive proof at all, but since so many peeps wanted to be afraid of cellphones we are calling them possibly hazardous!"

The only thing they found is that using a cellphone may change brain cell activity. You know what else changes brain cell activity? pretty much anything! >.< wow just wow.
I smoke a pack a day and I kill a case of beer almost every weekend my cell phone does not scare me :D
This inconclusive study will spawn another expensive and likely inconclusive study, and so on. We'd be much better off if all the money spent on the studies were redirected to enforcing cell phone bans and teaching people to get off the phone while driving.
This seems like it'll be issue for the remainder of cell phone technology in its current state.

The evidence seems questionable , showing a brain scan of a user not using one and using one. But a cell phone is a small microwave transmitter , microwaves even in small amounts do effect biological organisms.

Just use a hands free headset and stop worrying about it.
This seems like it'll be issue for the remainder of cell phone technology in its current state.

The evidence seems questionable , showing a brain scan of a user not using one and using one. But a cell phone is a small microwave transmitter , microwaves even in small amounts do effect biological organisms.

Just use a hands free headset and stop worrying about it.

No no no, see, then they'll start saying that excessive bluetooth usage causes tooth decay.
This seems like it'll be issue for the remainder of cell phone technology in its current state.

The evidence seems questionable , showing a brain scan of a user not using one and using one. But a cell phone is a small microwave transmitter , microwaves even in small amounts do effect biological organisms.

Just use a hands free headset and stop worrying about it.

Define "effect". They heat, slightly. Very, very slightly.
This is beyond silly.

<<Malcolm Sperrin, director of medical physics and clinical engineering at Britain's Royal Berkshire Hospital, said he thought the IARC move was appropriate because it reflected the "anecdotal evidence that cancers may be associated with phone usage.">>

Anecdotal... so, it is still the "we don't have any conclusive proof at all, but since so many peeps wanted to be afraid of cellphones we are calling them possibly hazardous!"

The only thing they found is that using a cellphone may change brain cell activity. You know what else changes brain cell activity? pretty much anything! >.< wow just wow.

Yup, just another fluff study to probably sell more 'radiation absorbers' at the mall. I can't believe anyone thinks that those things absorb anything but your money.
Doesnt matter much anyway... I dont have a friend under 35 that will answer their phone... They only text and fucking facebook. Dont have to worry about brain tumors only retardedness from using social media.
Define "effect". They heat, slightly. Very, very slightly.

something that is produced by an agency or cause; result; consequence: Exposure to the sun had the effect of toughening his skin.
power to produce results; efficacy; force; validity; influence: His protest had no effect.
the state of being effective or operative; operation or execution; accomplishment or fulfillment: to bring a plan into effect.
a mental or emotional impression produced, as by a painting or a speech.
meaning or sense; purpose or intention: She disapproved of the proposal and wrote to that effect.
the making of a desired impression: We had the feeling that the big, expensive car was only for effect.
an illusory phenomenon: a three-dimensional effect.

Even if its very slight , if you take very slight and add decades of time to it .. then its possible there could be an effect. Its a long studied topic , even if its entirely bullshit I'm still gonna use my bluetooth headset just in case.
Unless you're immortal, life is a terminal condition with a 100% fatality rate.

I'm a bit worried about my hip holster as I talk on the phone maybe 20 minutes a day, but it's on the same place on my hip on my right side nearly 16 hours a day. If I get cancer - it'll be hip cancer more likely than brain cancer!
Any rational man needs no scientific report to know that cellphone *COULD* be carcinogenic by causing mutation via radiation...

If you use it within the means, I think there will be no problem. WIth our huge sample size n (world population), we would've surely seen some form of malignancy if that was the case..
Not if chewing my gum kills me first.

Everything in moderation in life people, cmon, this isn't hard.

What's moderation? Keeping your cellphone running in your pocket 24/7 like most people do? always sending/receiving small signals/data from/to the tower and/or satalites in orbit for gps updating every x minutes?


I think the problem is that wifi and cellphones are so greatly in use, its next to impossible to reach that magic state of 'moderation'. Especially if you're exposed to say eight different wifi networks going across campus from EduNet, EduRoam, UofSOMETHINgsecure, uofSOMETHINGpublic, etc etc for 8-24 hours a day depending on if your a student or student + living in residence.
Even if its very slight , if you take very slight and add decades of time to it .. then its possible there could be an effect. Its a long studied topic , even if its entirely bullshit I'm still gonna use my bluetooth headset just in case.

So are bluetooth headsets safer? I mean even if this BS, seeing pictures of a brain light up with a cell phone in proximity doesn't give me the warm fuzzies.
Cell phones are once again going to kill you. Every six months it is safe / dangerous / safe / dangerous / man's best friend / bubonic plague / safe / no data / could be harmful / don't put it in your pocket next to your thingy / safe. Today, cell phones are *rolls dice* "possibly carcinogenic."

When my thingy starts to vibrate without my cell phone in my pocket, then I know I'm in trouble.:)
If cells phones cause cancer, I don't care. I don't carry one. People just call, and call, and call. I couldn't take it. Do I look like a chick? I've got better things to do than inanely gab everywhere I go.

The real question is how many other things do we do day to do, or be around day to day, that are FAR more worse than cell phones?

I'd be willing to bet cell phones are a 0.1 out of 10 on the threat scale in comparison to so many other things that are considered completely safe...

wait there is something that is considered completely safe? when i saw a warning on natural play sand for a sand box came with a warning that sand causes cancer i assumed that there wasn't a single thing left that isn't going to cause cancer or kill you in some amount. As the hold your wee for a wii contest years ago shown even drinking water can kill you.

When my thingy starts to vibrate without my cell phone in my pocket, then I know I'm in trouble.:)

You mean thats not a good thing? I thought that was its way of informing of an actractive females in the area.
As a motorcycle rider, my daily anecdotal experiences indicate that Your Cell Phones Are Definitely Going To Kill Me!

Even though hands-free systems are mandatory in my state, there's rarely a day that goes by that I don't get cut off or worse by some twit on their phone.

And frankly, it doesn't matter whether or not they're using hands-free systems.
Studies have shown that it's the conversation itself that distracts to the point of inattentiveness, not whether or not they've got the phone to their ear.
My experience supports that finding.
What's moderation? Keeping your cellphone running in your pocket 24/7 like most people do? always sending/receiving small signals/data from/to the tower and/or satalites in orbit for gps updating every x minutes?


I think the problem is that wifi and cellphones are so greatly in use, its next to impossible to reach that magic state of 'moderation'. Especially if you're exposed to say eight different wifi networks going across campus from EduNet, EduRoam, UofSOMETHINgsecure, uofSOMETHINGpublic, etc etc for 8-24 hours a day depending on if your a student or student + living in residence.

Good point. I was about to make a comment about people needing to hold phones against their heads 24/7 for months before getting any kind of result. But i suppose being next to your crotch 24/7 works too.

Any reports on correlation between phones and testicular cancer? That oughtta get some attention.
Good point. I was about to make a comment about people needing to hold phones against their heads 24/7 for months before getting any kind of result. But i suppose being next to your crotch 24/7 works too.

Any reports on correlation between phones and testicular cancer? That oughtta get some attention.

None that I know of but there have been studying linking depression and wifi signals. That to me is the most interesting of the studies out there. That people who spend more time exposed to wifi signals are on average more depressed and the greater the insensity matches pretty well with greater feelings of depression. Sad thing is, a lot of wifi networks, we have no control over outside of hour homes; such as at our workplace or in school.

I suspect, we'll get a whole generation of people with brain-cancer in a few years. Remember wi-fi has still only been around for 10-15 years or so and initially it had a small roll-out. Now adays though, it seems everyone and their dog has a wi-fi router. If you live in an apartment building, I suspect there is probably 1 for every 2nd apartment or more.

For a long time, smoking wasn't considered a carogenic and was even recommended to singers and as a speech-therapy device to help 'loosen the throat'. We all know how 'that' turned out :). Let's see what 50 years of intense wifi does to a brain. We'll have to wait about 40 years to see that happen.
WARNING: The Air Your Breathing contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Apparently we have different definitions between the words "definitely" and "possibly", Steve. :cool:
I'm more worried about being killed on my motorcycle by some dipshit merging into me on the freeway because they are busy talking on their cellphone than getting cancer from one.
Let me explain a little about radio wave radiation

It is completely impossible, I mean, COMPLETELY IMPOSSIBLE, for wireless equipment like Wi-Fi, Cell phones, wireless headsets, wireless mice, microwaves, radios etc to give you cancer

I mean completely freaking impossible. I can't stress how impossible it is

These asshats are spreading around fear just to drum up money for cancer research etc, and its easy to blame a scapegoat

Let me explain a little. The radio frequency radiation all wireless devices use, like cell phones, radio's, radar, and devices like microwaves use, is simply waves of radiation that are -TOO BIG- to cause damage

Its like having a sheet of metal with 1cm holes in it, and in order for the radiation to pass through it, the radiation waves have to be smaller then 1cm to pass through and cause damage

But the radiation waves that HIT the material and bounce off it, repeat, BOUNCE off it, is simply too freaking big, its a 1 METER wide wave trying to pass through a 1cm hole, it just can't do it

The most, and I mean MOST that these radiation waves can do, and only in SUPER concentrated form like a radar array or a microwave, is cause molecules to vibrate faster and to generate heat, that's it

They are completely incapable of damaging living OR dead tissue. They've stuck mice in front of 30ft wide radar arrays and switched them on for WEEKS at a time, and the mice suffered no such damage, and a radar array is MILLIONS of times stronger then cell phone output

In short, sensationalist media, and people who are trying to drum up fear to get money for something
Let me further add that if cell phones were actually causing and were the cause in an increase in cancer in people, there would have been a DRASTIC increase in cancer patients with the very invention of wireless TV and Radio!

The signals that are used to send TV and Radio waves through the air are hundreds of thousands times stronger then the ones used to send cellphone signals, yet people in over a hundred years have not turned into mutants

Again, this is scare tactics to drum up money for something, be it cancer research or just trying to win a lawsuit against a company for somebody that's trying to blame a company or product for their cancer
You know, this reminds me of the **** they did with the eggs. Everyone remember that at start of '90s, there was a hysteria caused by the same people like this one, when they said eggs are bad, because they contain lots and lots of cholesterol, so they are bad for your hearth. Then, few years later, they reversed their statement because they found out there is good and bad cholesterol, and eggs contains only good cholesterol. So now eggs were recommended to eat, because it's good for your health (and same people said few years ago exactly the opposite)!

They do this with everything, pretty much anything in this world including even the dust in the air is carcinogenic - they simply have no ******* idea why someone's body gets a cancer....
Condoms can take thousands of years to biodegrade, and especially when tied off contribute to sticky landfills around the world.

That's why I like to do my part and keep a cellphone in each pocket of my extremely tight organic cotton jeans, and go green, and free willy.
This is the same routine that played out on the tobacco industry. Next they will cart out the "victims" and use all this media as legal precedent to sue for damages. Its a nice racket isn't it?
Even if its very slight , if you take very slight and add decades of time to it .. then its possible there could be an effect. Its a long studied topic , even if its entirely bullshit I'm still gonna use my bluetooth headset just in case.

The bluetooth is probably worse, lol.

But what do I care, none of these studies incorporated any conclusive evidence. Multiple engineering experts dispute these claims (and for good reason).

This is just another scheme of some sort.
I wonder if brain cancer/tumors are at an all time high? I would think that by now we would see some sort of incline in the number of cases per capita if this was true.