Chicago Sued Over 9% “Cloud Tax” On Streaming Services

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
If I was a betting man, I'd say the city of Chicago is going to lose this case.

However, the second claim in the lawsuit has greater implications for state and local governments nationwide. That claim says that the new tax violates the Internet Freedom Tax Act, a 1998 piece of law that prohibits local, state, and federal governments from enacting “internet taxes” like an e-mail or bandwidth tax.
This sounds like something the current White House administration would try.
They must be from Chicago....
Stuff like this is why the US is so behind on science/technology, either getting taxed so high its not feasible, or written law preventing advancements.
The hell? A "cloud tax" ?

No taxation without representation.
"The city aldermen did not vote on the changes, and the suit claims they should have been permitted to."

"The city contends, however, that the 9% cloud tax is merely an extension of its existing Amusement Tax, and therefore well within bounds."

We really need to find easier/less costly ways to remove crooked politicians, corrupt political processes, and unconstitutional laws. Not by a French Revolution-styled overthrow, but moreso by something along the lines of term limits for all levels of governance, local to federal.
Unless that money is going back into infrastructure they have zero right to tax it.
Stuff like this is why the US is so behind on science/technology, either getting taxed so high its not feasible, or written law preventing advancements. 10 countries with fastest internet:

10. Finland
9. Sweden
8. USA
7. Czech Republic
6. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
4. Latvia
3. Hong Kong
2. Japan
1. South Korea

Here are their total tax burdens, per the Tax Foundation ( and PwC (

8. USA (31.3%)
7. Czech Republic (42.4%)
6. Netherlands (36.9%)
5. Switzerland ( 22%)
4. Latvia (35%)
3. Hong Kong (couldn't find)
2. Japan (31.6%)
1. South Korea (21.4%)

It isn't tax rates that cause the issue.
"The city aldermen did not vote on the changes, and the suit claims they should have been permitted to."

"The city contends, however, that the 9% cloud tax is merely an extension of its existing Amusement Tax, and therefore well within bounds."

We really need to find easier/less costly ways to remove crooked politicians, corrupt political processes, and unconstitutional laws. Not by a French Revolution-styled overthrow, but moreso by something along the lines of term limits for all levels of governance, local to federal.

Yep, every election of the state to federal level is bullshit until major election reform is exectued. Money in politics, infiite terms, revolving lobbyist retirements, etc.
With all of the stuff on this forum about pick whatever your divisive issue, at State and local levels, there's hardly anything that comes as close to getting people riled up consistently everywhere like muh roads.

Tear in my Heart is a currently playing song that as far as I'm concerned is about muh roads. (in Ohio, which hell, still better than Michigan.) 10 countries with fastest internet:

10. Finland
9. Sweden
8. USA
7. Czech Republic
6. Netherlands
5. Switzerland
4. Latvia
3. Hong Kong
2. Japan
1. South Korea

Here are their total tax burdens, per the Tax Foundation ( and PwC (

8. USA (31.3%)
7. Czech Republic (42.4%)
6. Netherlands (36.9%)
5. Switzerland ( 22%)
4. Latvia (35%)
3. Hong Kong (couldn't find)
2. Japan (31.6%)
1. South Korea (21.4%)

It isn't tax rates that cause the issue.

Yeah the whole top 10 could fit inside the US. It's like the folks complaining about fuel cost in England, when the farthest they drive is what 5 miles to work vs our 20.
Both Chicago and Illinois are financially broke. In fact, at the moment, if you won a lottery prize greater than $25,000, the Illinois State Controller can't pay you because of no passed state budget.
Chicago thugs at it's best. Change or rewrite a law/rule that fits the agenda. 10 countries with fastest internet:

10. Finland
9. Sweden
8. USA

It isn't tax rates that cause the issue.

how many people have access to "fast internet" though.. whole different story vs who has the "fastest"
It's like the folks complaining about fuel cost in England, when the farthest they drive is what 5 miles to work vs our 20.

What the fuck has that got to do with anything? Fuel prices in the UK are typically 2-3 times what they are in the US. Why would that have anything to do with driving shorter distances? Or being a smaller country? Or putting a tax on streaming internet services?
Good, these places need to learn how to write a budget again and stick to it.

On another note, I find it funny how this time of year people you never see post suddenly appear to start making random political comments, usually idiotic.
As a resident of Illinois, and a suburban boy, I can well and truly say "FUCK CHICAGO".

The next thing they'll try taxing us for is...the privilege of taxing us..
something along the lines of term limits for all levels of governance, local to federal.

Term limits have nothing to do with it, we use to have great people in office, who would be voted in again and again because of experience and the fact they did what they said. In many cases they got to the point they refused to be elected again. What is wrong is HOW people are elected today, which is nothing more than a popularity contest of who can sway the biggest majority with false statements and promises. Also the fact politicians can now be bought today with unlimited funding and lobbying, it is not much of a shock the kind of people we have in office. We also have no form of accountability/punishment for people who run on one thing but were either promising what they could not supply or flat out lying.
With all of the stuff on this forum about pick whatever your divisive issue, at State and local levels, there's hardly anything that comes as close to getting people riled up consistently everywhere like muh roads.

If only they actually spent tax money on the roads.

Our state has the highest gas tax in the region and yet they still build toll roads because the past succession of liberal democrat governors squandered the highway "trust fund" on personal projects.
With all of the stuff on this forum about pick whatever your divisive issue, at State and local levels, there's hardly anything that comes as close to getting people riled up consistently everywhere like muh roads.

Stuff like this is why the US is so behind on science/technology, either getting taxed so high its not feasible, or written law preventing advancements.

Yeah, god forbid we do something like let people speak their minds! That is SOOOO close minded!

Good, these places need to learn how to write a budget again and stick to it.

On another note, I find it funny how this time of year people you never see post suddenly appear to start making random political comments, usually idiotic.

Haha just standard MO for [H] Front Page News section.
The General hasn't even started yet - it'll get real fun once the primaries are done.