Chimp Challenge 2009 thread

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Here's a pic of HardApe folding:

Notice where the nipps are at.

You guys woke up the wrong Monkey...

OCNChimpin (disguised as a Baboon) FTW!
We're making a move on CPChimps. Keep it up!

if it helps i overclocked one of my 4850s from 625/997 to 685/1180 and that is a 200ppd increase. i know lame but we need all we can get. my other 4850 needs RMAd cuz it fails @ stock speeds :(

Yesterday I switched over all of my GPUs to [H]ardApe, which should be good for about 50K PPD. I'm still working on getting the VMs up and running, but last night I started SMP on one machine.
Where is the Mighty [H]orde? They certainly have not shown up at the Chimp Challenge so far. Hopefully everyone is just planning on being fashionably late. Just don't be too late. MOAR D!!!
Damn - We had a long power outage this morning that I know has taken down my PC's at home. I've got my stuff at work back up and running well, but until I get home and fire up my garden there my PPD will be down some. :mad:

Guys, we've gotta keep pushing for all the points we can get. MOAR "D":eek:
Hmm, could our CC issue be related in any way to the fact that I've dropped 3 PLACES in the last day since switching over? :mad: I went and looked at my stats to see what's up, and see over 25,000 pernts already turned in TODAY by folders in the 25 spots above me (not naming names yet)... I'm hoping it's just reporting lag, and most have switched over by now, but I'm not holding my breath! :D I know some people just don't care about CC, but damn already!!!
ok. I've cranked down the AC and started the macbook up for another 1700 ppd.

Hmm, could our CC issue be related in any way to the fact that I've dropped 3 PLACES in the last day since switching over? :mad: I went and looked at my stats to see what's up, and see over 25,000 pernts already turned in TODAY by folders in the 25 spots above me (not naming names yet)... I'm hoping it's just reporting lag, and most have switched over by now, but I'm not holding my breath! :D I know some people just don't care about CC, but damn already!!!

Indeed, just did a quick look at point updates from our top 20 producers and it would seem that only about half of our top 20 producers has switched over to the CC. Not good.
Hmm, could our CC issue be related in any way to the fact that I've dropped 3 PLACES in the last day since switching over? :mad: I went and looked at my stats to see what's up, and see over 25,000 pernts already turned in TODAY by folders in the 25 spots above me (not naming names yet)... I'm hoping it's just reporting lag, and most have switched over by now, but I'm not holding my breath! :D I know some people just don't care about CC, but damn already!!!

I've noticed some of that as well, but the same thing happened last year as well. Seems like there are a lot of folders out there for Team #33 that don't pay any attention to the annual CC, or don't want anything to do with it.

The data is all going towards the same project, so it one way it's cool that at least the work is getting processed for science, but at the same time you wish you were getting maximum participation from everyone in the [H]orde towards the competition. Our current output shows that we've not got near as much participation as last year even, but I'm hoping that it will pick up shortly.
Axdrenalin is right, we cannot do for those people who didn't switch. Let's just ignore them and avoir any useless drama. Concentrate on slinging poo and convicing more people to switch or add more "D" for the cause.
Hmm, could our CC issue be related in any way to the fact that I've dropped 3 PLACES in the last day since switching over? :mad: I went and looked at my stats to see what's up, and see over 25,000 pernts already turned in TODAY by folders in the 25 spots above me (not naming names yet)... I'm hoping it's just reporting lag, and most have switched over by now, but I'm not holding my breath! :D I know some people just don't care about CC, but damn already!!!

All I can do is speak for myself, but the issue may be that some don't have access to all of the boxen they have borged... I know I don't. I have 18 boxen folding under my name that I can't access to switch over... so that leaves me with just a GPU and a couple headless boxens folding for the Ape...

Just a thought, don't know if that has anything to do with it or not.. but maybe.
I to have pc's that i no longer can access but they ar few and 99% of my points come from home. I feel however that the problem here is the huge number of active folders we have here that are not active in this great little community we have on the forums, therefor majority of the members may not be aware of our competition.
Yep, nothing we can do about those that havent switched over yet. Im sure some of them are out of town or maybe their machines are spread out geographically and its just too huge of a task for them to switch over. Im sure a few others are just late to the party. Lets face it the Horde is a huge team and to get a group effort coordinated like this is a nearly impossible task. On the other hand because we dont have one person doing hundreds of thousands of PPD (except for a couple :)) we dont take that big of a hit if one person decides they dont want (or cant) fold anymore.

Thanks to all of those (both veteran and rookie folders) who have participated! :)
I may not have tamales and popcorn but I have a cooler full of Guinness! :D

I may not have tamales and popcorn but I have a cooler full of Guinness! :D


Mmmmm Guinness. I tried the Foreign Export Stout when I was in the Bahamas a few years ago. It had a much higher alcohol % than what they sell here. Ah memories.

I OC'd my 275 last night and am getting about 300 more ppd for the [H]
Hey Ax... I got the tamales right here, and I even have a few beers left:)

Gotta keep a positive attitude here guys, it's all supposed to be in good fun, right?!

Fold On!!
I OC'd my 275 last night and am getting about 300 more ppd for the [H]

Just curious, but what card is it, and what settings are you clocked at? I bumped mine up just a tad, but didn't look into finding it's limits before I started doing other stuff on another computer. :rolleyes:

Hey Ax... I got the tamales right here, and I even have a few beers left:)

Gotta keep a positive attitude here guys, it's all supposed to be in good fun, right?!

Fold On!!

Awesome Digital! I knew one of you guys would come through for us here! :D
All I can do is speak for myself, but the issue may be that some don't have access to all of the boxen they have borged... I know I don't. I have 18 boxen folding under my name that I can't access to switch over... so that leaves me with just a GPU and a couple headless boxens folding for the Ape...

Just a thought, don't know if that has anything to do with it or not.. but maybe.

You're absolutely right, thanks for smacking me back into line :D I was just a bit frustrated that I spent several hours reinstalling XP after a crash just to make sure I was in the CC, and got pissed that some people couldn't be bothered to change a simple name. Anyone who's had to deal with that damn XP recovery console for hours on end trying to fix a f$#%ed up boot sector can understand my derangement... uhh, frustration.

So now I'll just have to go straight home and borg another computer, right? :cool:

edit: damn, just looked, and I'm down ANOTHER spot. Any volunteers to smack me if I look at my personal stat page again before the CC is over?
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So now I'll just have to go straight home and borg another computer, right? :cool:

edit: damn, just looked, and I'm down ANOTHER spot. Any volunteers to smack me if I look at my personal stat page again before the CC is over?

You'll be fine man...just imagine how much fun it'll be to pass them all back up again as soon as the CC is over with! :cool: I was smoking past several guys right before the competition started, and now they're passing me back up too....
Just curious, but what card is it, and what settings are you clocked at? I bumped mine up just a tad, but didn't look into finding it's limits before I started doing other stuff on another computer. :rolleyes:

Awesome Digital! I knew one of you guys would come through for us here! :D

Ax: My card is a BFG 275 OC. I used the EVGA Precision tool and adjusted up to core:700, shader 1553, mem 1184. I also set the fan to 75% and am cruising along at 68 degrees Celsius. No errors reported in my log so far and the games seem just dandy as well. I have not tried to push it any further as of yet.
Ax: My card is a BFG 275 OC. I used the EVGA Precision tool and adjusted up to core:700, shader 1553, mem 1184. I also set the fan to 75% and am cruising along at 68 degrees Celsius. No errors reported in my log so far and the games seem just dandy as well. I have not tried to push it any further as of yet.

Awesome! That's the exact same card I've got, and I've had mine set almost identical to yours on the core / shaders using the NTune tool. I'm thinking I didn't set my mem clock up where you did, though. I'll have to check when I get home. :)
Yee ha! I just got an 1888 pt WU for my GPU. Knocking down 1% intervals in just under 4 minutes a pop. FAHMon is guestimating this to be a 6 hr job. Hope that's good.
Ok, added in the 8800GTX on my media server.

4 x 9800GX2
2 x 280 GTX
1 x 8800GTX

Getting desperate to find hardware to put on the CC, I even just fired up folding on an old 8600GT (only 32 cores) and the first WU I get is a 511, aarrgghh!
Getting desperate to find hardware to put on the CC, I even just fired up folding on an old 8600GT (only 32 cores) and the first WU I get is a 511, aarrgghh!

Well crap, I might as well fire up my P4 2.6GHz then if we're getting that desperate.:D
Getting desperate to find hardware to put on the CC, I even just fired up folding on an old 8600GT (only 32 cores) and the first WU I get is a 511, aarrgghh!

Just took 36min to complete 1% !! :eek:
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