China clones


Sep 7, 2002
Does anyone have any experience with these phones? I know the are not the best of quality and what no, but I am looking to get a cheap iphone look alike with wifi. I've been to many sites and seems you can get one between 55-90$ depending on the features you are looking for.
I don't really care too much for many of the advanced features. I probably don't need 3g.
Can anyone recommend any?
Any thoughts would be appreciated it.
Meh is what I can say. I have a few relatives who wouldn't listen to me and bought some ifones and knock-offs.

The OS is sluggish and touch screen has horrible precision which makes texting, typing a number, or even scrolling through your contacts just a MAJOR pain in the ass.

The overall quality is crap as well. Even if it feels solid don't count on its durability. You will feel some plastic warping and such after a week or so.

Save yourself the money and look into another phone with wifi.
as an engineer, i say don't do it. it sucks to see a product you worked hard to design cloned over in asia, and sold here.
If all you have is 80-90 bucks I'd go hit up my local craigslist and try to find a different phone , one that is NOT fake. It's just a matter of time before somebody spots that crap and laughs at you.