Chipped Core


Sep 7, 2003
I chipped the core of my 2500+ when the screwdriver i was using slipped and hit it. It seems to still be working, and is running prime95 with no problems at the moment, Are there any problems that could arise from this? or is it nothing to worry about? thanks
Originally posted by WaterIsTasty
I chipped the core of my 2500+ when the screwdriver i was using slipped and hit it. It seems to still be working, and is running prime95 with no problems at the moment, Are there any problems that could arise from this? or is it nothing to worry about? thanks

Well no problems then thats good just watch your temps. What kinda paste you using?
What's ceramique??? And is it any better than Arctic Silver 5/ other 5 silver componds???
Its made by arctic silver, its a non-conductive paste which has around the same performance as AS3, and its cheap
So, AS5 is still better, right?? Hmm, does it function as glue? Don't want my vram sinks to just fall off, do i?
No not glue, just nonconductive paste. I tried AS3, 5 and ceramique
only 3-4 C temp differance.