Circuit City May Close 150 Stores

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The Dallas Morning News is reporting that Circuit City may be cutting jobs and closing as many as 150 stores in an attempt to avoid bankruptcy.

A report in The Wall Street Journal said people familiar with Circuit City's plans said the store closings and job cuts could allow the retailer to liquidate $350 million in inventory that could be used to pay real-estate costs, including leases on abandoned sites. Circuit City, the nation's second-largest consumer electronics retailer, could then try and renegotiate leases with existing landlords, the report said.
Hopefully my local one won't go; I have friends working there and it sort of keeps Best Buy in check price-wise.
Good riddance. They can go the way of other lazy, overpriced businesses like Bennigans and Bakers Square.
Good riddance, crappy ass terrible customer service. A bunch of kids walking around talkiing about their cars and what they did last night not caring about a single customer.
Didn't they write a memo years ago stating their ultimate demise? Whats taking it so long?
I'd hate to see the one near me go. I bought all my TV's and home theater crap there.
Good riddance, crappy ass terrible customer service. A bunch of kids walking around talkiing about their cars and what they did last night not caring about a single customer.

Pretty much. That and they act like vultures if they are around and you happen to be glancing at something expensive.
It's a shame they could not turn things around and become a real competitor. Who knows. CompUSA was bought and brought back after closing almost all of their stores. Maybe someone will come along and do the same here. In any event, it is time to save up and watch for the liquidation sales.
They have been on a steady decline for years now, They have gone the way of Kmart 10-15 years ago and where WalMart is today... Its a shame that BestBuy wont have much competition or any nationwide competition...
Well...Best Buy is generally cheaper from my experience, so I don't really care. Amazon is cheaper than both places though...I'm surprised BB and CC both aren't out of business yet.
OHNOES! I just really hate BB. And the fact that they seem to hire 17 yr olds. No offense to any of your [H] 17yr olds, but the extra 13 years I have on ya, taught me that I shouldn't pay $38 for a HDMI cable.
Pretty much. That and they act like vultures if they are around and you happen to be glancing at something expensive.

Actually they don't care even if you are looking at something expensive. CC made a dipshit move a few years back... they got rid of commission. while they were vultures they were at least keeping the company going well. now the only thing those kids have to work for is their job. via selling the accessories and warranties. if they don't sell what CC is pushing they get threats that they will lose their job. not really the right kind of motivations.
the only reason i like cc is because its the last real competition to best buy. i dont hate bb, but you can almost guarantee they wil become the most expensive way to buy electronics, period. many people simply refuse to buy things online, but if thats only enough people to keep one store chain open that is sad to see. at least cc was another possible place to find deals locally...
Lol I think you left out "go".

Remember that Microcenter is developing a nice niche on the east cost. I say developing b/c they only PM CPU prices with Gouge-egg. Still, it's a better B&M than Best Buy - which is not that hard to do.
Lol I think you left out "go".

Remember that Microcenter is developing a nice niche on the east cost. I say developing b/c they only PM CPU prices with Gouge-egg. Still, it's a better B&M than Best Buy - which is not that hard to do.

Frys would stomp microcenter out of business in a matter of weeks if fry's tried to compete in the same markets.
Well...Best Buy is generally cheaper from my experience, so I don't really care. Amazon is cheaper than both places though...I'm surprised BB and CC both aren't out of business yet.

Amazon is online sales only,to beat Best Buy would take someone with a national chain of retail stores.
Frys would stomp microcenter out of business in a matter of weeks if fry's tried to compete in the same markets.

I would love either of them to open near me. Microcenter is in northern Virginia but not around where I am. We have circuit city(home town) and best buy and both suck ass when it comes to pc parts. Hell Office Max has a better selection of power supplies and better prices. When you need a part in a hurry you are pretty much fucked. The only way to get something really is to hit the mom and pop stores. Compusa was the only one that had a selection worth anything.

Even being in Circuit City's home town I'm wanting them to go under. Hell the stores within 2 miles of their corporate offices even suck and have no stock.
I stop buying from either years ago. I occasionally buy something make sure it works how I want it too, buy it online, and return my stuff to the stores. If the price is close to online then I usually keep it. I guess their defense is that their pricing is so they can run a store and make a profit. My defense is " sucks to be you CC. Welcome to capitalism. Shouldnt sell 9600GT's for 200-250$."
Hopefully my local one won't go; I have friends working there and it sort of keeps Best Buy in check price-wise.
Hopefully my local one will close. :p I noticed that the stock of some items was pretty bare. It probably will close. There are a Fry's, Best Buy, big mall and two office stores within 1-2 blocks.
well so much for price matching the CC price at BB if this happens. BB never has new release games for 10 bucks off like CC does. also you can beat your ass most of the prices will go up at BB with very few good sales if CC closese their doors. :(
To the Fry's commentaries: Do any of you live outside the west coast? Seriously. Two stores in Georgia, a couple in Texas, and one in Illinois. I'm not sure what the technical requirements are for going "national", but to me, having business in multiple states kind of seems a bit more than just local.
well so much for price matching the CC price at BB if this happens. BB never has new release games for 10 bucks off like CC does. also you can beat your ass most of the prices will go up at BB with very few good sales if CC closese their doors. :(


I'm surprised it took to the 2nd page for someone to say this.
Only reason to go to that store, I'm afraid. But its really going to suck if they go away, cause NOONE else does this.
Btw, for DC area people, the Rockville one is drastically bigger than the sad Northern VA one. So if you want to make comparisons, make it with the Rockville one first. I still have a beef with mgmt in terms of having gouge-worthy mobo prices, but that's for a rainy-day discussion.
They have been on a steady decline for years now, They have gone the way of Kmart 10-15 years ago and where WalMart is today... Its a shame that BestBuy wont have much competition or any nationwide competition...

Truth there. I can't STAND bestbuy. I go to Target for my video games, walmart for dvd's and newegg for my computer parts. Monoprice is where i get cables and that's all I really ever need. There's really never a need to step into a Bestbuy ever because there's so many alternatives out there that are much better and cheaper options.
the only reason i like cc is because its the last real competition to best buy. i dont hate bb, but you can almost guarantee they wil become the most expensive way to buy electronics, period. many people simply refuse to buy things online, but if thats only enough people to keep one store chain open that is sad to see. at least cc was another possible place to find deals locally...

You mean there is actually more expensive places? :eek:

Best Buy Kingston 1 GB DDR333 $138.99
NewEgg same memory $22.49
Retail is expensive, but the clearance stuff is awesome.
256mb - $4
50" LG plasma - $500
It is sad, but I said it would happen a year ago when I quit. The people on top just dont know what is going on and now it might be to late. Sucks but thats what happen when stupid people stay on top.
Retail is expensive, but the clearance stuff is awesome.
256mb - $4
50" LG plasma - $500

Some of the sales are great, too. I bought BF2142 on sale for like $25 back when it was still new. They put it on sale again even after Black Friday. I also bought orange box for $25. They have ddr/ddr2 memory, camera flash memory, and usb flash drives on sale every week cheaper than any local wal-mart, target, circuit city, office max, or any other store we have has them priced for. I'll flat out tell customers at the store I work to wait until it goes on sale if I see something that's a bad deal, like DDR2 2GB for $190. If I see a customer grab it, I will literally ask them to put it back and wait until next week, or maybe find the brand that's on sale that they missed.

Sales on computers are usually great value, like that famed Gateway. No mail in rebates necessary, and they were the first big box national retailer to do away with those. Circuit city and staples STILL do mail in rebates on a lot of their computer sales. Bash all you want, but BBY has done a lot of "firsts" when it comes to taking care of the customer.

Circuit City just copied everything a day late and a dollar short. i.e. "Firedog".

Again, I hate to see them go the way of CompUSA. More competition is always better for us and the customer.
Frys would stomp microcenter out of business in a matter of weeks if fry's tried to compete in the same markets.

That's funny, seeing there is a micro center and a Fry's about 2 miles from each other here in Atlanta. They have both coexisted now for a few years.