Circuit Diagrams


Feb 24, 2003
Does anyone know where I can get circuit diagrams for computer parts? I would like one for a motherboard, but a video card, or a drive would do also. Tried multiple google searches, but I don't think I'm using the correct query :(

Edit: Actaully, a circuit for any "advanced" electronic device would do. Something like calculators would work fine.
Your not going to find a circuit design for something a company sells. They have a copyright on it.

But there are plenty of layouts and diagrams of older parts on the net. I found quite a few on google while I was getting my CompE degree.
Originally posted by TheMostWantedPolishTwin
A while ago I tried searching for PCB diagrams with no luck...

trying using eagle as a keyword in your search, it's a pcb layout tool.
all you're going to get with it are "basic" advanced samples, like a stepper motor controller or something.

Originally posted by [H] - WRX
trying using eagle as a keyword in your search, it's a pcb layout tool.