Cleaning LCD - Klear Screen Cleaning Kit


Sep 12, 2005
I am getting an HP W2207 next month and I am concerned about damaging the glossy screen. I chatted with an HP rep and they sell this product:

Klear Screen HDTV Cleaning Kit:

"Clean and protect your digital projector lens covers, LCD, MDTV, and plasma or big-screen TV or monitor screen without scratching or streaking. The patented, antistatic, alcohol- and ammonia-free Klear Screen HDTV Cleaning Kit is designed to keep your viewing surfaces in tip-top viewing condition.

Includes 8 oz. spray bottle, large micro-chamois polishing cloth, micro-fiber polishing cloth, and three single-use cleaning sheets. Manufacturers' warranty."

Anyone out there use this? Is it a rip-off? Cost: $16 - 25 ($25 on HP's site). Is there an alternative that is the same but less expensive?
I use it, it's the only screen cleaner Apple recommends -- it's not a ripoff.