Colored Acrylic/Window panels?


Mar 5, 2007
Not specifically for a case, but looking for essentially the same thing.

Need some acrylic sheets that are tinted or colored, specifically RED, GREEN and YELLOW.

Doesn't have to be too big a size. As small as say 6"x6" even.

Anyone have an idea where I can get this stuff?

Essentially just need to make a small display type deal, and want to be able to put a couple small LEDs or LED strips around the back of it for a slight glow through.

I dunno if they sell these in hardware stores, but I don't have a car right now so I'd wanna know for sure before I "look".

Oh.. also looking for a good place for some bright LED strips or even cathode strips, EL wire if it's bright enough as well I guess. Basically the best option to give a nice gapless flow of light around a border, white would work well.

That site seems perfect...

Cheap, and just the right sizes for me.

Only problem is... the cheaper "Tinted and Colored sheeting" (as opposed to the "Fluorescent sheeting") looks almost SOLID in color, although they say it's translucent...

For example.

Also in the lookout for where I can find some decent craft wood, either already black or easily dyed.