Computer Dead! Need Help


Oct 4, 2005
Problem Still Not Fixed! Please scroll down to my latest post. Edited Jan. 7







Here are some pics of my computer if this helps. The first pic is to show the green light that lights up when the PSU is plugged in and the switch is flipped, the PSU does not turn on however

Hey guys thanks for the help.

My brothers computer a couple of days ago just went dead. He turned it off one day and it never turned on again. I mean it doesnt even make the power up noise when he pushes the button.

I already checked the obvious. Everything is plugged in and the plugs are working. The question is, is it the power supply or the mobo thats messed?

He's running an Antec Neopower 480 and a Asus SLI-Premium
Put your PSU in there and see if it powers up. That should help answer your question. Also, try another power cable and wall socket/surge protector.
id be carefull doing that. if your mobo has shorted it could destroy your power supply and if you put yours back in your PC coudl fry your box on top of that. You can get PSU testers at your local PC shop for 10 bucks. well worth the cash. Dont take chances with a PSU get the correct tools.
delemorte said:
id be carefull doing that. if your mobo has shorted it could destroy your power supply and if you put yours back in your PC coudl fry your box on top of that. You can get PSU testers at your local PC shop for 10 bucks. well worth the cash. Dont take chances with a PSU get the correct tools.
LOL. Chances are, it won't happen, but you could never be too careful. I, personally, have never run into a situation like that (where the board fries the PSU, its usually the other way around), but hey, anything's possible. I usually take everything out of the case and do a visual inspection before setting everything back up on my desk. A PSU tester is great, but how do you test the mobo? lol. At some point in time, you'll have to hookup a known working PSU to that unknown mobo, lol.

Oh, and if you are that unlucky, where the board fries your PSU, then guess what... new parts! lol. 'cuz if the board fried the PSU, I'm guessing it also fried more than just that. I always like to look on the bright side of things. There's always a risk in doing things... thats just life.
Thanks for the help guys.

How do you test the PSU with the tester and where do I get a tester?
Here is an example of an inexpensive psu tester.

But enginurd is right, regardless of rather the psu is working or not, your going to have to plug one into that board at some point.
the only reason i gave that advice is because it happend to me one time and cost me 2 PSUs and 2 mobos..... It only takes getting screwed one time to be more careful the next time. I have that exact same tester. Basicly you plug up the PSU to it and plug in the PSU to the wall and it will tell you if the voltage is good or screwed. if its screwed replace PSU and presto easy fix no other equipmpent is jepordized. i got mine at compusa for 15 bucks.
delemorte said:
the only reason i gave that advice is because it happend to me one time and cost me 2 PSUs and 2 mobos..... It only takes getting screwed one time to be more careful the next time. I have that exact same tester. Basicly you plug up the PSU to it and plug in the PSU to the wall and it will tell you if the voltage is good or screwed. if its screwed replace PSU and presto easy fix no other equipmpent is jepordized. i got mine at compusa for 15 bucks.
But there's still a possibility of plugging it in, seeing the voltages are screwed, replacing the PSU, and the board still frying the new PSU, lol. If the voltages are good, then you know its not the PSU... so now you think its the board. So how do you make sure? Since the board didn't fry the other PSU, it shouldn't fry the next one you plug in... but then again, theres no guarantee for that, either, lol. Like I said... life has risks... man up and take 'em.

The good thing is, if you buy a new PSU, and the board fries it, you can return it, lol. If you try your own, you may both need new PSUs, and he'll need to RMA the board, lol.
take everything apaprt. rebuild comp on desk on like mobo box

cpu/mobo, 1 stick of ram, video, psu, on switch

power on and see if it goes
Newest Post by Me!!!

After trying all the comments nothing has worked. The computer is completely dead. No sounds nothing. I tested the power supply and it works, every plug works. I changed the mobo, nothing.

I was then thinking it was the case. So I just the power switch from another case to try and turn the computer on...nothing.

All the plugs work including the 12v one that goes to the mobo. Am I missing anything?
your suspicion of the case leads me to believe you didnt try messerchmidt's suggestion. try it and report back. if you've got a new board and psu, and its still not working, then its the cpu or ram, so test whichever you can elsewhere.
your suspicion of the case leads me to believe you didnt try messerchmidt's suggestion. try it and report back. if you've got a new board and psu, and its still not working, then its the cpu or ram, so test whichever you can elsewhere.

I just tried the messerschmidts suggestion and still nothing. I even swap out the ram sticks for something else. Havent really tried switching the cpus though.

I just still cant believe that the computer doesnt make any sounds at all. Not even the PSU turns on, unless I use the PSU tester thing.

Thanks for the help
Wait, the NEW psu does NOT turn on?! Try another power cable. Are you sure the NEW board works? If you can, test the ram and cpu in another system.
Wait, the NEW psu does NOT turn on?! Try another power cable. Are you sure the NEW board works? If you can, test the ram and cpu in another system.

Sorry I was a little unclear. The only thing that is new is the mobo. I tested the PSU with the PSU tester and its fine. I'm pretty sure the new board works seeing as it is right out of the box, but them again I cant be 100% sure. Ill try to test the cpu from another system.

Man this is a pain. Thanks for helping me
im going through a pain to on mine. Still not 100% sure on my problem but im working on it.

The only way a computer wont start up is if powersuply is shot, then if ram isnt working.
CPU and motherboard should be fine becuase its odd for those to go out. Unless u overheated your cpu. Since u tried powersupply i would try ram next.

oh your motherboard is new? well defected motherboard maybe.
i used to have this really cool thing u hook up to the motherboard and it has lights which light up in different order for what the problem was. Wish it worked on my motherboard.
I would be testing the PSU, Mobo, and Processor. That or the board might be shorting out, I would reinstall everything, might be grounding out.
There is one oddity, the Antec Neopower 480v, when I test the thing, doesnt have the -5v light lit. I looked on the box and it doesnt seem to have -5v on there. I'm not really a PSU guru but could that be the problem.

When I plug in the PSU the green light does light up on the mobo

Thanks for the help

Update: I have tested the PSU and it works, the mobo is new, I have swapped in ram that I know works Still nothing. No sound, no start up sound, nothing
did you try your psu on the new board? does the board beep with just the cpu plugged in (no ram)?
did you try your psu on the new board? does the board beep with just the cpu plugged in (no ram)?

I just tried the PSU on the new mobo without the ram, and there is no beeping. A green light lights up on the bottom of the mobo though
I just posted some pics of my computer in the first post. Please look at them and tell me if I'm missing something
There is one oddity, the Antec Neopower 480v, when I test the thing, doesnt have the -5v light lit. I looked on the box and it doesnt seem to have -5v on there. I'm not really a PSU guru but could that be the problem.

When I plug in the PSU the green light does light up on the mobo

If I recall some of the older Antec Neos does not work well with some Asus mobos. Try another brand PSU.
For all those who have helped me thank you from the bottom of my heart. The computer is now working.

The culprit....the main ATX 20pin cord. Apparently if its bent a certain way the computer doesnt turn on. I know I know I cant believe it myself. Basically it just started working again. My guess is that the previous mobo was actually bad, and when I put the new one in and did all that cable mgmt I didnt do before, the computer just kind of shorted somehow. Anyways the ordeal is over

Thanks for all the [H]ard Advise