Congratulations BakedOn, our first ever [H]ard|DCer of the Year


Fully [H]
Jun 2, 2004
The votes are in, and BakedOn barely squeezed ahead...

Unfortunately, he still has no idea :(. I tried to contact him numerous times.... so I am going to try snail mail. There is still a prize that someone needs to take home. Hopefully he gets it, and stops by to claim his title.

In the mean time... everyone leave him a congratulations.
I can hear them clang from here.

Congrats & Luck ........ :D
Gratz to BakedON, who fought the dragon and won!


Hmm, he hasn't been on the forums since 8-4, not good...that's a month and a half. Hope you get in contact with him, but congrats BakedON!


If anyone gets in touch with him have him PM me if he's able to do a interview, I was never able to get in touch with him when he won DC'er of the month :(
roftranspo said:
congrats IronNuts :D

and what was the prize viper?

Not telling :). I don't have it yet. It needs to be... customized. I need to try and get in touch with baked on first
tdg said:

If anyone gets in touch with him have him PM me if he's able to do a interview, I was never able to get in touch with him when he won DC'er of the month :(

If I can get ahold of him, I will mention it. PM and Email attemps have gotten me nowhere, but I had K* do some sleuthing for me... and was able to get what I really hope is his home address.
Viper87227 said:
If I can get ahold of him, I will mention it. PM and Email attemps have gotten me nowhere, but I had K* do some sleuthing for me... and was able to get what I really hope is his home address.

Let's hope we can, I'd like to see this thing be realized. ;)

Congrats Baked!

Don't go too overboard trying to track the guy down. If he's not around this is his choice.
marty9876 said:

Don't go too overboard trying to track the guy down. If he's not around this is his choice.
Since when do you abide by rules of social conscience?

I do semi-agree though. If he wants to be found, he will be.
AtomicMoose said:
Since when do you abide by rules of social conscience?

I do semi-agree though. If he wants to be found, he will be.

Since team 33 elects someone who is AWOL as nOOb of the year. ;)
marty9876 said:
Since team 33 elects someone who is AWOL as nOOb of the year. ;)
He is far from AWOL. Perhaps a near death experience has caused him to reprioritize a bit. Ever think of that?
AtomicMoose said:
He is far from AWOL. Perhaps a near death experience has caused him to reprioritize a bit. Ever think of that?

But, but, but this is the DC forum! Giving Moose a hard time must come above food, clothing, sex (most days), sleep, showering, making fun of transpo etc.

Just makes me grin is all.

And no, I think as little as possible.
marty9876 said:
But, but, but this is the DC forum! Giving Moose a hard time must come above food, clothing, sex (most days), sleep, showering, making fun of transpo etc.

Just makes me grin is all.

And no, I think as little as possible.
marty9876 said:
But, but, but this is the DC forum! Giving Moose a hard time must come above food, clothing, sex (most days), sleep, showering, making fun of transpo etc.

Just makes me grin is all.

And no, I think as little as possible. pretty far down on that list...i need to work on that ;)
Yeah I know... "holy Thread Revival!!!"

But i just found out......
Thanks to all who voted for me.... thanks for even thinkin gof me.
I logged in last night and posted about some new borgs when I saw my tag. I'm still speechless.

Thanks guys. You know how to make a guy feel good. (teach my wife that trick)

Much love to all.
BakedON said:
Thanks guys. You know how to make a guy feel good. (teach my wife that trick)

I could,,, ahhh,, show her if you'd like.


hey baked on

where did the nickname "iron nuts" come from?
Pocatello said:
hey baked on

where did the nickname "iron nuts" come from?
From a thread posted over a year ago now.... and I still haven't lived it down....

True story:
I went in to see the urologist who is giving me the low down on how the procedure goes, right? he's telling me it's done in the office with a local anesthetic.... and then he tells me to drop 'trow'. Well the good doc seems to be spending an AWFUL long time inspecting the package and I'm getting a little antsy. He FINALLY looks up at me and says "How many kids do you have again?" "6" I say.
He then tells me, "Ok.. we'll I'll book the OR at Beaumont (hospital) and we'll arrange for an anesthesiologist to put you under...."
"Wait... you just told me it's done in the office!"
His reply: "Yeah... but you have cast iron nuts!"

SO I had to have it done in the hospital AND they shaved me BALD as a 4 year old.
Talk about embarrasing!

Oh yeah.. and this relates to folding because... ummm... I have a higher risk of prostate cancer now so lets fold fold fold!
marty9876 said:


I did a search for "urologist who is giving me the low down" and only one thread came up, huh.

I was bitching about moose locking/deleting threads then too... some things never change...


good to have you back!
Yeah... I'm still talking about my nads......
The more you change the more things stay the same.
Iron Nutz! ha ha ha!

funny story!

glad to have you back!