"Conroe shows dodgy RAID performance anomalies"


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 27, 2003

I'm thinking that if this is actually a serious article, maybe the motherboard/chipset are the problem and not conroe.

When comparing the identical disk configuration several different combinations on AMD's side, nothing happens.
Well there is a big difference between AMD and Intel aside from the CPU :)

I'm just wondering if anyone else thinks this could be BS? I coudn't find any other sources on this "issue".
i really do not see how that could be a limitation of any processor. why would a processor care if HD's are in raid.

did they replace the conroe with a p4?
Anyone stupid enough to try and run RAID-5 on the chipset's RAID controller deserves slowdowns.

Sarcasm aside, this is a problem with the chipset/drivers, NOT the CPU.
InorganicMatter said:
Anyone stupid enough to try and run RAID-5 on the chipset's RAID controller deserves slowdowns.

Sarcasm aside, this is a problem with the chipset/drivers, NOT the CPU.

There's nothing wrong with RAID5 on the ICH. Yes, it's software RAID but great for a file server or something else that doesn't need to be blazing fast. It's stable and A LOT less than some ridiculously expensive hardware card.
InorganicMatter said:
NOT the CPU.

The Core 2 evaluation kit came with a D975XBX motherboard. There are several things that could cause slow downs on Intel RAID and i'll bet theinq didn't even attempt to troubleshoot.
Either the Inq is full of idiots, or geniuses. Either they attributed this problem to Conroe because they know it will generate traffic, or else they simply have no idea how a computer works.

Honestly, I'm going to guess #1. I think the Inq is a master of what it does well....spread hype.

Even a monkey would know to swap the Conroe out and put a P4 in there before attributing a Raid problem to a whole generation of CPUs.

I must say though...(without looking at any benchmarks)...slower RAID performance than AMD chipsets? The tables have turned....
jebo_4jc said:
Either they attributed this problem to Conroe because they know it will generate traffic,
that's what my first guess is. I think it's in their wikipedia entry that they make up rumors to generate traffic.

just wanted to double check :)
Whenever I read Inq, I get the sense that I could call them up, claim to be some type of "insider" for a hardware company. . . and whatever I said to them would be on their site within minutes with no verification whatsoever. And, of course, they'd describe these things that I was pulling out of my arse as something they've "learned" from a knowledgable source.


Smart money says this is BS, like most other "news" the Inq reports (read: pulls out of their ass).