Consumer Reports Ranks iPhone X below iPhone 8


Aug 20, 2006
While Consumer Reports has given the iPhone X a recommendation, Apple's new flagship smartphone has been ranked below the iPhone 8 and the iPhone 8 Plus due to poor durability and worse battery life. Overall, Consumer Reports continues to rank the Samsung Galaxy S8 and the Samsung Galaxy S8+ as its top two recommended smartphones.

It was edged out by Apple’s less-expensive iPhone 8, starting at $700, and 8 Plus, starting at $800, which both proved hardier in a test designed to reproduce the drops and fumbles that can cause cracked screens and other damage. “If not for the damage in that durability test, the iPhone X would have come in ahead of the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus,” says Richard Fisco, head of smartphone testing at CR.
So because one owns something they can't be impartial.

Go back to your initial post and apply. LOL.

You see, my original post was poking fun at apple owners being a little uptight. It was sarcasm, plain and simple. And here you are, the Apple owner, displaying the type of behavior I poked fun at totally bringing the hilarity full circle.

Thanks for completing the stereotype and giving me a chuckle.
I will keep my "cheap" tank Iphone SE until it dies. All these fragile pieces of glass equal to a mortgage payment make no sense to me.

I also don't understand how people break phone so frequently. I went caseless for years and never even had a chip in the frame.

Well, I have to raise my hand on this one. My Wife no longer lets me touch her phone. She tried handing it to me, twice, and twice I dropped them. My fault. It is why I have a cheap flip phone. I just cannot get a grip on smart phones. Every time I try to grab and hold one, it does something stupid, like calling 911, or showing some porn video. I am just not cut out for them.
Well, I have to raise my hand on this one. My Wife no longer lets me touch her phone. She tried handing it to me, twice, and twice I dropped them. My fault. It is why I have a cheap flip phone. I just cannot get a grip on smart phones. Every time I try to grab and hold one, it does something stupid, like calling 911, or showing some porn video. I am just not cut out for them.

Difference being you acknowledge your anti smart phone trait and don't have one. The people who break their $700 phone, replace it with a $800+ phone to then break that are the ones who drop my respect for humanity. I've known people who went into debt over cell phones. Never mind the people who buy the flagship model phone for its thin profile then slap a half inch case on it...
Played with an iphone x and an 8. I'll keep my 6S+ which I believe is the same generation as the SE? (maybe one generation older). But agreed - the older phones are still working just fine.
You see, my original post was poking fun at apple owners being a little uptight. It was sarcasm, plain and simple. And here you are, the Apple owner, displaying the type of behavior I poked fun at totally bringing the hilarity full circle.

Thanks for completing the stereotype and giving me a chuckle.
You reminded me of an apple fanboy as you tried to blow yourself for making a decision and having it reinforced by a news article.

Thanks for letting that go over your head.
I still just get HTC One M7s from China. They run me about $100 and with the $6 clam-shell case I can throw it at the wall. My daughter did break a screen, but it still works fine.
Well you got them, hopefully.

Fan boys gonna fan boy I guess.

I'm sorry, but at this point I have to call you out.

Are you just plain fucking stupid, or what?

Any person with a fully functional brain would realize my original posting was sarcasm. And coming from a person who feels the need to quote his hardware in his/her sig, calling me a fanboy is fucking rich. PM me with your paypal address so I can send you a couple of bucks, then maybe you can buy a clue. I purchased the phone that just so happens to now be at the top of the list on consumer reports and a made a fucking joke about it, you dumb fuck. Gods have mercy on you.
I don’t even have an iPhone.


Whoops, looks like you're not only the real fanboy here, but also a liar. :(

I don't disagree. Although most of the phones when bought off contract were butting up against the $700-$900 range even 4 years ago when bought off contract.

If you buy your phone cash outright it really puts into perspective how much they cost. My iPhone 6s Plus 64 gb was $965 or something. It'll make it another year at that price.

I could go on and link all of the post where you go on to bash android when given the opportunity and/or the post where you come to the defense of iphones quite a few times, but that's probably unnecessary at this point, seeing as your true nature has been revealed. Wouldn't you say?
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except.... no one gives a fuck about consumer reports anymore. Overall it's mostly useless information.

As long as iphone X remains a status symbol that doesn't just break like some cheap chinese toy, then it will remain #1 top tier device among consumers.
Whoops, looks like you're not only the real fanboy here, but also a liar. :(

I could go on and link all of the post where you go on to bash android when given the opportunity and/or the post where you come to the defense of iphones quite a few times, but that's probably unnecessary at this point, seeing as your true nature has been revealed. Wouldn't you say?
Except my friend gave me his note 5 and pixel when he scored his note 8.

I’m glad to know I triggered you enough to scroll through my post history.

Also some of us have jobs that require two phones. My work phone is a droid as it has an app that allows me to know how fast a turbine is running by sound.
Honest question. What do people do with a $1000 phone? Is there some kind of killer app I'm just not aware of? Most I've spent on a phone was my Nexus 4 when they went EOL sale, since then $50 and under does the trick for me.

I know each person has their preference; I'd rather get a $700 midrange gaming laptop and a $200-300 phone.
Except my friend gave me his note 5 and pixel when he scored his note 8.

I’m glad to know I triggered you enough to scroll through my post history.

Also some of us have jobs that require two phones. My work phone is a droid as it has an app that allows me to know how fast a turbine is running by sound.

I won't even address your convenient story about your friend giving you a note 5 and pixel, instead I'll point out the other fun stuff. You could have just left after getting called on your bullshit, but you came back for more and decided to double down on your lies. Here you are saying it's all iPhones where you work (also quoted below for your convenience)

What would be more interesting than this would then to gauge what other products they use in their household.

Android tablets/phones, desktops/laptops, OSes, streaming devices and sticks. I bet more US households still use non apple hardware or a combo of both than use Apple exclusively.

Also where was this poll taken, on a college campus? That's where I see/saw most of the mac computers. In my office it's all iPhones and PCs.

Go ahead and come up with another likely story for us all, we're waiting with baited breath. Liar.
I won't even address your convenient story about your friend giving you a note 5 and pixel, instead I'll point out the other fun stuff. You could have just left after getting called on your bullshit, but you came back for more and decided to double down on your lies. Here you are saying it's all iPhones where you work (also quoted below for your convenience)

Go ahead and come up with another likely story for us all, we're waiting with baited breath. Liar.
Why you so mad?

I’d shit in a box and send it to you but you’d mistake it for your brains.

Field work is different from office employees.

Hella mad doe.

That’s a J7 (2016)


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Looks like you cared enough about being called a liar to post a little proof. Nice job, but are you ready for the grand finale?

You're an apple fanboy. Care to refute that or will you own it?
Looks like you cared enough about being called a liar to post a little proof. Nice job, but are you ready for the grand finale?

You're an apple fanboy. Care to refute that or will you own it?
I’ll never understand you guys who are married to one ecosystem like it’s your wife.

Apple has its flaws. Android has theirs. The lack of updates from android is objectively trash.

Apples locking down of the ecosystem sucks. It’s why our outside people have to have androids with them at all times.

But I’ll even let you get the final word. What do you want the people to know?

The only platform I haven’t used android on is the tablet. Just encase you want to make that all a conspiracy too. Soapbox might be your speed.
All I did was make a joke and you turned it into me being a fanboy and an idiot. I called you out on your bullshit and you started coming at me with all of your cute little millennial internet colloquialisms, insulting my intelligence, and being pretty much the stereotype of what an apple fanboy is.

Your post history shows an easily followed pattern of you jumping in threads to defend the iPhone should somebody say anything bad about it. It also shows you bashing Android devices when the opportunity comes and you feel the need to do so.

What it all boils down to is that if anyone in this thread is to be accused of being a fanboy by you, then that's downright ironic considering what I've pointed out above.

You wanted to take my joke and turn it into something serious... don't be surprised when you mess with the bull and you get the horns.

And for the record, my smartphone history is as follows. IPhone 3g, iPhone 4s, LG g2, iPhone 6, Samsung s8. My wife has the iPhone 7 plus, and in my opinion the s8 is a superior device.
I'm starting to admire the bravery of anyone willing to admit they still use an iphone.
I'm starting to admire the bravery of anyone willing to admit they still use an iphone.

I just bought and use an iPhone. I prefer it over an android system. It's the only Apple thing I own though.

I should buy a MacBook
I got my X a few days ago. I like it quite a bit. But yeah, the battery life could be better. I