contacted dell and....


Jul 23, 2004
i told them about my screen about the * big white blotch in the bottom middle* and greens are lighter than they should be.

when all it is , the light leakage at the bottom , and sparkles ( its an LG Screen) :mad:

so, think i should post it note a note that says what actaully is? And also imclude that my eyes are sensitive to bright/ shiney things, and i cant stand to look at this screen any longer than 5 minutes?
..anyone? :rolleyes:

im thinking since im still within the 21 day trial that im going to return it for money back.

and then jsut get a new ps2 , and random stuff for my computer(s)
ummm....... so did you not really need a lappy?
im not sure but i dont think you can just ask for the samsung screen because you dont like the lg. i guess it wouldnt hurt to put a note on it begging for a samsung. if anyone has some side by side pics of the 2 screens id like to see it, because from the pics of the lg screen ive seen, it looks fine for me. but then again, maybe the camera cant quite pick it the "sparkles."
im returning it guys.. decided its jsut stpid to have.. and screen really sucks , half life 2 jumps and all that even with defraged hard drive and nothing running in backround with latest drivers and im only at 1600 by 1200 2x aa/ 0 x af

and since they are closed today for exchanges it will be 22 days... crap hope they dont charge me restocking fee or ill be extremly upset
sorry to hear that, i hear hl2 is supposed to run pretty smooth.
aside from the screen issues, did you try a reformat and fresh install?
did that too yep, and norton or anything wasnt even installed when i tested..

my biggest gripe of all tho ,, is i didnt think hard drive would be this slow... so used to my Raid 0 160 gig drives which are F00king fast