Controller Preference: 360 or PS3?

Which controller do you prefer?

  • PS3

    Votes: 65 39.9%
  • 360

    Votes: 98 60.1%

  • Total voters


Jul 22, 2005
Which do you prefer?

Personally, I hate the placement of the left stick on the 360. It feels awkward and unnatural, like I have to contort my thumb in some strange way. I feel like I can aim more accurately with the ps3 stick due to that. Although I will disclaim the fact that I have not used the 360 controller for more than 10 hours tops.
If I had to pick one under pain of death... it'd be the 360 controller.

They're both fine though. Oh, and if the 360 analogue placement feels unnatural to you it's because years of dualshock use have crippled your hands beyond repair. :D
I don't MIND the PS3 controller, but I immensely prefer the 360 controller. The size of the controller is perfect for my hands as I have fairly big hands. The triggers are perfect for FPS shooters since I play a lot of Call of Duty and some occasional Halo. The controller just feels right for me, just like I prefered the N64 controller to the original PS1 controller too.

I really think the 360 controller is the best one ever made, as I stated in another thread, I've played both 360/PS3 versions of the game, no matter what genre, I perform better with the 360 controller.

I think it's the trigger and flat-faced buttons on the PS3 controller that turn me off, also, the stick seems less compact and I don't like them right next to each other. I like the off-balanced set on the 360 controller. (One thumb high, one low)

(I have both systems, so not a fanboy statement of any kind)
The PS3 controller is okay, but I prefer the 360 controller a lot more. I find that it's more comfortable in my hands and I think the analog stick placement is 10x better. The only thing I like better on the PS3 controller is the regular directional pad, but even then I'm not crazy about the broken up buttons... it's much better then the 360's though.
I hated the origional Xbox controller but the 360 is my favorite. I don't mind the difference in analog sticks but I just wish the PS3 controller had a larger grip.
I have both but I like the 360 controller much more. It just feels a little more natural to me for some reason. Plus the PS3 trigger/shoulder buttons feel weird to me.
I think for MOST games I'll take the 360 pad. I think the concave analogs (and their placement) work better for 3D games...which are mostly what we play these days.
However the PS3 pad will always be better for anything that uses a d-pad.
I'm pretty happy using either, but if someone said I could I only use one, I'd take the 360's pad.
i really don't like the l2/r2 triggers on the ps3 controller compared to the ones on the 360, but I like the placement of triggers and the l1/r1 buttons in relation to them a lot better on ps3. And i like all the rest of the ps3 buttons better also.

Ps3 wins all around but it would be nice if they had liek, normal shoulder buttons like a ps2 controller and then xbox style triggers on the back as l4/r4 or something, that would be possibly sweet.

also: even though it isn't used a lot in current gen games, the 360 controller loses points because the d-pad is TERRIBLE
i like the 360 more for FPS and driving games, if a wheel is not available.

For Fighting games and just normal use i prefer the PS3 controller.
Interesting to see a 50/50 split. If it stays that way, clearly both companies are doing their job :)
I enjoy both, but prefer the xbox 360, it just feels natural for my big paws. With the PS3 I have to keep readjusting my hand position to get another grip on it, I usually do this half a dozen times or so during a gaming session ( 2-4 hours)
It really depends on the game, for shooters 360 hands down but for everything else I like the PS controller. It's great for games like God of War and Ratchet and fighters but I hate the L2/R2 buttons on the PS controller, they need need to be curved to fit your hands better.
360 by far for most games. I wish the 360 had a better dpad though.
For all the PS3 votes no one cares to post why they prefer it?

I simply find it more comfortable even though it is fairly small, and I don't have the smallest hands either. It's like I easily have access to everything on the controller with minimal movement, but that's just me. I also really enjoy the L2/R2 triggers.

The 360 controller is still good though
If I could get the PS3's directional pad on the 360 controller, and swap the place of the D-pad and left stick, I'd have the perfect controller. Symmetry and comfort, the best of both worlds.

I voted 360 becuase I take comfort over symmetry and have a Madcatz fightpad for fighting games and good D-pad movement.
The original xbox contoler was HORRIBLE for me but Ive always liked the PS' controllers. However i prefer the 360 controller over the PS3 now. If I have to use a controller that is ;)
I greatly prefer the D-Pad on the PS3 controllers, but for everything else, give me a 360 controller any day of the week. The L2 and R2 buttons on the PS3 controllers are a deal breaker. I used to like (and still love) the dual shock 2... screw the sixaxis, it's a pos
could there be an option for doesnt matter

some games i prefer the 360 controller and some games i prefer the ps3
The 360's dual analogs feel a lot more natural then the ps3's dual analogs. I remember I tried to play Gran Turismo with the left analog and could NOT get used to it. Just reverted to using the d-pad. ps3 dpad is better but it doesn't feel comfortable to me. 360 controller wins for me.
I like both, but I've been using my PS3 a lot more so I prefer the PS3 pad over the 360.

I think the reason for the analogs to feel better on the 360 is because its more stiff, the ps3 analogs can be very sensitive to some people.
PS3 (minus the L2/R2 triggers, so really, PS2). I prefer the analog sticks next to each (or on the same level) other for games that use both sticks. This way, my thumb placement for the analogs are equal for both hands. Also, the analog placement allows me to not grip the controller so for games that don't require an intense interaction, I can hold it in a more relaxed way (where the bottom ends sort of rests on my palm and fingers on the shoulder buttons and analog).
The 360 *wired* controller is the most comfortable controller I've ever used.

I had a PS2, and my major complaint with it was that it was too small. The PS3 controller did not address this issue. The 360 wireless controller feels too bulky because of the battery pack.

I also like the placement of the analog sticks on the 360 controller. It just feels more natural to have the left stick near the top of the controller as opposed to the bottom.

Actually... is there a controller for the PS3 that swaps the position of the D-pad and the left analog stick?
could there be an option for doesnt matter

some games i prefer the 360 controller and some games i prefer the ps3


I prefer 360 for FPS, PS3 for anything where Dpad is needed, and don't care for anything else. Both are fine.
On my 360 controller my thumb is too close to the rest of my hand and it seems to limit movement to the left compared to the right (i.e. I need to apply more force to go left than to go right)

On the PS3 controller my left thumb seems to be in the middle of overall available reach (i.e. I can move the same amount left or right easily)
I prefer the PS3 controller. While the 360 controller does feel good in my hands I really dislike the D-pad as well as the shoulder buttons. I decided to GameFly a game for the 360 and just hated the controller due to the constant use of the shoulder buttons. So, I really don't play anything on it anymore.
I can't think of a single 360 game that makes heavy use of the shoulder buttons. Possibly DMC4?
I have the say I really like both controllers though I went with PS3 (DS3)... simply because the D-Pad is much better than the 360's
To be honest I just pick up a controller and use it, I don't even notice which one im using most of the time.
Been awhile since i have owned a console.
I have used a PC for so long that i just cant seem to get the hang of using a controller for playing FPS games.
I just tried playing Killzone2 on the PS3, and it was just awful just because i couldent get the feel for it.
I really need a keyboard and mouse to play FPS type games.
Anyone recommend a good PS3 kb/mouse game adaptor that they have tried or own that works well in FPS games like Killzone2?
I have seen a few youtube videos showing this is possible but no idea as to how good these adaptors work.
360 controller...
1. the playstation controllers feel like toy's..
2. everytime i hold a playstation controller i feel like im going to break it..
3. the 360 controller actually fits in my big ass hands..
4. you can actually throw a xbox controller on concrete and still be able to use it afterwards..
I love my 360 controller compared to my PS3 controller. In fact, I would rather play with myself than my PS3 controller.
Given the two, I'd prefer the PS3 controller. I still dislike the L2/R2, though. I still think the PS2 controller is one of the best ever.

The 360 controller is too large and heavy for me, though I haven't used a wired one before. I don't know if that decreases the weight significantly or not.
For those having issues with e DS3 L2/R2 you really should check out Giotechs trigger attachments, 110% improvement.

It's worth noting that they're really only suitable for certain games. Racing mostly.