Cool Homebrew Laser Harp

Wouldn't it be funny if he forgets he's using solid chemical laser and sticks his hand in it like that and the laser beam shoot holes in it? :D
Cool effect but the sound isn't that great and he plays like the same 3 tones over and over and over and over and over and over..........
For some reason, I see the Blue Man Group being one of the first to utilize something like this in there shows...
Cool effect but the sound isn't that great and he plays like the same 3 tones over and over and over and over and over and over..........

What were you expecting? Bach? It's just a demo of its functionality. I'm sure with time it could be worked to emulate a variety of sounds.
Nice! I want one.. but with more sounds.

Really cool in a techno-y kind of way
Its Musica and the cosmic harp come to soothe the Robotech masters clones.
i want a laser guitar.. hrmm.. come to think of it that wouldnt work with your fingers all in the way.. oh well.. cool "harp" lol