coolbits/Thermal Temps Broken with BFG6800


Jun 27, 2003
Those of you who get a BFG 6800GT, I'd like to know if you also have noticed that the thermal readings for the card are broken. When I hit auto optimize the card, it set the mem at 1.4 and the card core at 620! so obviously that isn't working. The temp shows as 68-71C, but i can lay my hand on the card for more than 6 seconds and at lower temps (when not benching) it's just warm.
Works fine here 61.71 drivers, no problems with temp readings, only problem I have with the overclocking tool is that the overclock doesn't stick after a reboot, thats been a semi consistant problem sience the overclocking tools were released anyway.
Weird thing is, it's also reporting my ambient temperature about 10C hotter than abit eq tells me; 45C compared to (what abit eq says) 33
that is weird behavior. i have a evga gt, 41.71. im using coolbits, i havent yet seen any of those behaviors

o/c sticks after reboot and im watercooling so temp sticks right about 41c which is basically dead on with what it shuld be,

have you installed other drivers on your current windows install? maybe the registry is borked
i know when ive got 2-3 sensor drivers i start getting behavior like that.

not be paranoid but is your heatsink level? you can also get unexpted temp readings if its tilted a bit
I've had a whole bunch of driver installs, I'm considering formatting tonight just to get a clean install so I can bench cleaner.
i used to try and trouble shoot windows stuff but i hate software and it always was faster to format then to try and hunt down some obscure reg reference. 1nce a month it takes about 45 mins a month. i just do all my program and driver updates then.

of course right before i format i start trying out different windows hacks and tweaks

i always compare the windows registry to somethign like a bedroom with no shelves everythign just gets dumped and lays scattered all over the place.
joobjoob said:
i used to try and trouble shoot windows stuff but i hate software and it always was faster to format then to try and hunt down some obscure reg reference. 1nce a month it takes about 45 mins a month. i just do all my program and driver updates then.

of course right before i format i start trying out different windows hacks and tweaks

i always compare the windows registry to somethign like a bedroom with no shelves everythign just gets dumped and lays scattered all over the place.

Yep found that out a lonnnnnnng time ago too lol.

I recall spending 3 days trying to get a win 95 install to work properly again, said screw it and formatted the drive and was back up and running in couple of hours.

Now I can get back into windows in about 30 minutes, including installing all of my hardware. 2 hours gets me back to 99% of where I was before the format.
hmm, i'm taking this back in tomorrow. I talked to the tech, he said the 5700's they made also went into the low 90's....mine is going into the low 90's according to the display properties during intensive shader tests (you know, the one with the shiny balls that float around?).

That sucks, I'm also concerned the screws holding the fan on aren't torqued far enough, but there is no frame of reference for me and I'm not messing with it. so it's back to frys tomorrow, i'll update as to if my next card is the same then.
oozish said:
hmm, i'm taking this back in tomorrow. I talked to the tech, he said the 5700's they made also went into the low 90's....mine is going into the low 90's according to the display properties during intensive shader tests (you know, the one with the shiny balls that float around?).

That sucks, I'm also concerned the screws holding the fan on aren't torqued far enough, but there is no frame of reference for me and I'm not messing with it. so it's back to frys tomorrow, i'll update as to if my next card is the same then.

I just loaded up the DX SDK and using the sample browser put up one of the most intensive graphics that it has, the HLSL globe, GPU temp climbed to 77C and leveld off about there, and I have pretty good cooling in case. If your case cooling isnt quite so good I could see how it could get to 90C fairly easilly, gotta remember that these cards are designed to run hot.
90 does sound high, but normally these cards do run somewhat hot (in the 60-70 degree range at 370/1000). 90 sounds more like the range of a GT that has been overclocked to 410+ in the core.

Also, remember BFG has a lifetime replacement warranty. If the card ever dies, even if they don't make it anymore, BFG will replace it with another card that is just as fast or faster, so you don't have too be too worried about temps. Plus if they are out of stock, BFG has a great RMA process so you can always go that route.
tranCendenZ said:
90 does sound high, but normally these cards do run somewhat hot (in the 60-70 degree range at 370/1000). 90 sounds more like the range of a GT that has been overclocked to 410+ in the core.

Also, remember BFG has a lifetime replacement warranty. If the card ever dies, even if they don't make it anymore, BFG will replace it with another card that is just as fast or faster, so you don't have too be too worried about temps. Plus if they are out of stock, BFG has a great RMA process so you can always go that route.
ya, I'm sold on BFG, but I'm still taking this card back (to Frys). I talked with BFG tech and from the looks of it I'm not sure if the fan is properly connected. I just can't tell, and it's running I'm playing it safe. I should be able to take it back np, and assuming there are any left, I'll have a second one to normalize my finings.

If the second one runs just as hot, i'll know it's my case setup and look toward getting some extra cooling before I overclock anything and just deal with higher temps. I told the tech guy about the temps and he said basically don't worry about it it's not hurting anything. Still, it sorta freaks me out when I know others aren't running as hot.

I liked it when vid cards had no thermal monitoring, I'm a freak when it comes to that.

I bet my case is sorta hot, even tho it should be cool, seeing how I have 2 SATA drives, 2 ATA drives, and 2 optical drives, plus a PSU and a CPU running oveclocked. Add in a hot card....

Anwyay, you're right about BFG return policy, that's a great deal. Assuming they can't prove you overclocked your card, you can take it back any time it fails for the lifetime! Can't beat that. :) Certainly takes the pain out of worrying about temps at least. Thanks for your feedback.
One more thing, so someone can address this: My ambient temperature measured by the card was 43C! Abit's eq utility shows 33C for the ambient temp of the case.

Where are these two temps located that there would be a 10C degree difference? This discrepancy is what initially led me to believe something was wrong with the software and not my card.

oozish said:
One more thing, so someone can address this: My ambient temperature measured by the card was 43C! Abit's eq utility shows 33C for the ambient temp of the case.

Where are these two temps located that there would be a 10C degree difference? This discrepancy is what initially led me to believe something was wrong with the software and not my card.


The ambient temp reading from the card is on the PCB somewhere, and it could be close enough to the heatsink that its actually being warmed by it.
If you cant wiggle or move the heatsink and fan then its probably on correctly, as for tempts 70c is pretty high but for an OC card its about normal really.. if you want you could always take it off and re apply some artic silver and then put it back on securely.. Up to you... this is the reason i prefer water cooling.. the temp would never get beyond 50C and i could go up another 50MHZ on the core. :p
FlyinBrian said:
If you cant wiggle or move the heatsink and fan then its probably on correctly, as for tempts 70c is pretty high but for an OC card its about normal really.. if you want you could always take it off and re apply some artic silver and then put it back on securely.. Up to you... this is the reason i prefer water cooling.. the temp would never get beyond 50C and i could go up another 50MHZ on the core. :p

BFG Tech cards come with AS 5 already on the core.

according to BFG, this is about what their last cards were running so I guess I'm not worried. Kind of a big hassle to go about finding out if my last card was screwed or whatnot, but since this is the second card with the same results I think it's safe to say that it's operating at normal temps given my case setup ect.
oozish said:

according to BFG, this is about what their last cards were running so I guess I'm not worried. Kind of a big hassle to go about finding out if my last card was screwed or whatnot, but since this is the second card with the same results I think it's safe to say that it's operating at normal temps given my case setup ect.

yep don't worry about it
Sniper_Merc said:
BFG Tech cards come with AS 5 already on the core.

Originally Posted by FlyinBrian
If you cant wiggle or move the heatsink and fan then its probably on correctly, as for tempts 70c is pretty high but for an OC card its about normal really.. if you want you could always take it off and re apply some artic silver and then put it back on securely.. Up to you... this is the reason i prefer water cooling.. the temp would never get beyond 50C and i could go up another 50MHZ on the core.

Notice i said Re apply
You probably need better cooling in your case. I have my BFG GT running at 420/1120 and the temps were 32 ambient/51 core idle and 47 ambient/75 core load. I loaded it by running RTHDRIBL for 20 minutes and monitoring the temperatures with Rivatuner. The temps leveled off at the load temps after a few minutes and didn't go any higher fot the rest of the time I had RTHDRIBL running.

I'm not too sure about the ambient temperature sensor though. When I started loading it jumped from 37 to 47 in less than 10 seconds, this was after the core was already at 75. I'm guessing the ambient sensor is probably somewhere too close to the heatsink.
BobbyD said:
You probably need better cooling in your case. I have my BFG GT running at 420/1120 and the temps were 32 ambient/51 core idle and 47 ambient/75 core load. I loaded it by running RTHDRIBL for 20 minutes and monitoring the temperatures with Rivatuner. The temps leveled off at the load temps after a few minutes and didn't go any higher fot the rest of the time I had RTHDRIBL running.

I'm not too sure about the ambient temperature sensor though. When I started loading it jumped from 37 to 47 in less than 10 seconds, this was after the core was already at 75. I'm guessing the ambient sensor is probably somewhere too close to the heatsink.

Maybe I do, but I don't see how I'm going to get better case (see sig) is packed with harddrives, optical drives and wires. There is just no room to open up the space inside to make for better airflow than I already have (2 fans in front, 1 out back plus blowhole, plus Powersupply).

The only thing I can think is a blower above the card blowing out, but frankly, i mean..why am I worried about this? The card has a warning level of 120C before shutdown, BFG told me don't worry about it if your card craps on you we'll replace it free, and the highest I get is 90C. Also, BFG told me that my temps were about where their 5900's were running (whatever their last gen card was); so it's in line with what the cards are built for. It's not effecting performance either, obviously. my last 3dmark2003 score was higher than the one I posted earlier.

I don't think I have much to worry about, it's definately not affecting my perfromance. If you have some ideas tho, I"ll listen! :)

PS: what's your room temp? Mines' about 79F.
my room temp is about 81

with my OC the temp seems fine
Core: 61-2
Ambient: 41

i haven't noticed cool bits having a problem with auto detect with the 61.71 drivers at all
Also I cant get coolbits to hold my memory OC worth a god damn !
itll hold the core no problem...but my way in hell
Well, i posted this in the nvidia forum but it's really a follow up with this post. I wonder if my case temps are hotter since I have 4 HD's (2 raid) and 2 optical drives in there? There isn't alot of room for cirulation. Besides that, in theory, i should have great case and great airflow. Maybe I'll try removing a HD (a 40 gig i don't really need/use)..but i don't know if that will help.

Here's my follow up post, in brief, from the nvidia flavor forum:

I've talked with BFG TEch 3x...the fault tolerance of this card is 120C! So don't worry about your temps, it's not going to get that hot unless it fails or the fan breaks. That means, higher lower temps, it doesn't matter, it won't effect quality and it won't downclock for decrease in performance.
oozish said:
I don't think I have much to worry about, it's definately not affecting my perfromance. If you have some ideas tho, I"ll listen! :)

PS: what's your room temp? Mines' about 79F.

My room is about 75F. If the critical temperature is really 120C then like you said, I wouldn't worry about it. I just wasn't sure how hot it was supposed to get.

For those people having problems getting their OC to stick, I have some tips. I had problems getting mine to stick, but this method seems to get them to stick everytime. First, you can't just have it detect optimal settings and go with that. After it detects it will adjust the sliders, but you need to move the sliders manually. You can move them, then set them back to what they were just as long as you move them, or else it won't stick. Then the test button should light up. Test your settings. After that hit the apply button, but have the apply at startup checked beforehand. Then you can click OK and it should stick. You can go back into the settings at this point, and if they stuck they should still be the same. Otherwise you need to try again.

This method worked for me with the 61.71 drivers. If you still don't have any luck with this, try Rivatuner.
When running the tool, my Ultra goes to 72c at 75 degree (f) room temp. My ambiant monitor goes up as well. The key here is to pull your case cover off. I suspect if you do your GPU temp will go down slightly. This would indicate a lack if case air flow. When I pull my cover I go from 72c to 80c indicating good air flow. I have a feeling your case is the problem.
scott122 said:
When running the tool, my Ultra goes to 72c at 75 degree (f) room temp. My ambiant monitor goes up as well. The key here is to pull your case cover off. I suspect if you do your GPU temp will go down slightly. This would indicate a lack if case air flow. When I pull my cover I go from 72c to 80c indicating good air flow. I have a feeling your case is the problem.

like i said, it doesn't matter if my case is on or off...and it doesn't seem to affect my temps no matter if i UNDERCLOCK or OVERCLOCK to Ultra speeds. I think there is something weird going on...but whatever...It doesn't matter anyway. BFG Tech themselves, the company that built the cards...says the card has a tolerance with no adverse effects up to 120C!

Why should I worry? Based on what facts does the heat issue really make a difference? Apparently none. It's a great way for alot of companies to sell lots of cooling gear tho.

Anyway, the case is not the problem. Taking the side off makes no difference.
btw, my case reads ambient temp 44C, 64C idle.

If I overclock to ultra speeds....400/1100....the idle temp increases to 65C.

Hey here's something interesting, the 'detect optimal frequencies tab' is greyed out. Why would that be? I can't seem to access it via manual OR auto overclocking. OH wait...

I can find that under 3d performance setting, optimal settings it gave me were 418mhz core and 1.09 mem! Thats pretty damn sexy.


what gives?
Here's my overclocked (optimal settings as detected by the display properties option of 418 core and 1.09 mem) 3dmark score of 12477:

made it through without incident...after I exited the program I checked temps and it was about 77C...which means it probably reached high 80's during the testing.
like i said, it doesn't matter if my case is on or off...and it doesn't seem to affect my temps no matter if i UNDERCLOCK or OVERCLOCK to Ultra speeds. I think there is something weird going on...but whatever...It doesn't matter anyway. BFG Tech themselves, the company that built the cards...says the card has a tolerance with no adverse effects up to 120C!

Why should I worry? Based on what facts does the heat issue really make a difference? Apparently none. It's a great way for alot of companies to sell lots of cooling gear tho.

Anyway, the case is not the problem. Taking the side off makes no difference.
Well, that is the point I'm trying to make. The case should make a difference. The fact that you report that it is not, tells me you have less then optimal air-flow in-and-out of your case.
scott122 said:
Well, that is the point I'm trying to make. The case should make a difference. The fact that you report that it is not, tells me you have less then optimal air-flow in-and-out of your case.

WHY? If the temp is the same with the door on or does that mean that I have less than optimal airflow? To me it means my airflow is doing a pretty good job with the door ON? I"m not following you, maybe it's late. :)
Door open = no air flow = hot card

Door close = air flow = cooler card

Door closed / with lack of air flow = card runs the same as door off = hot card :)

It is late, I agree, but tomorrow off :)