Cooler Master V8... Tightening Q???


Dec 18, 2006
How tight do I need to have the back plate? I don't want to brake the board by over tightening but I also don't want to have it loose... what is the consensus here?

I don't recall reading any of this on the small print guide book I got with it. You would think they would have spare a little bigger piece a paper for the diagrams and text. :rolleyes:

Thanks guys
Every bolt-through kit I've ever installed has had self-stopping screws, meaning that you're supposed to tighten them as far as they will go since they will stop themselves once they are fully in. The general rule of thumb is to continue tightening until you feel a ton of resistance and it becomes very difficult or impossible to turn the screws any further.

However, this is just an educated guess on my part. If you're squeamish, you might want to let someone who actually has the cooler chime in.