coolermaster 550watt causing issues?


Feb 8, 2005
How much is to much, i dont know much about psu's or when to tell they are "going bad"
i dont know if cpu lag/stuttering is a sign at all

xp2500+ running at xp3200+ speeds 2.2ghz, 1.79v
Swiftech h20-120 single pump/single rez/single rad nothing crazy h20 system
2x512 corsair pc3200 2-3-3-6
Asus A7N8x-Dlx motherboard
Ati Radeon X800Pro not overclocked just set to 100% fan speed using ati tool
Cooler master 550watt "real power"
1 Dvd burner (pioneer 111D)
1 80Gb WD 8mb cache (old school)...could also be my problem...
6 120mm fans and 3 80mm fans

with all that running i get a weird stutter issue i thought it was just counterstrike.. but its the whole computer i can take a window.. say notepad put it in the center of the screen and drag it in a circle and everytime about 3 quarters in it will stutter, this is the same just in general w/ my mouse doing anything (i.e drag mouse in circle), so i reinstalled windows 5/13, and re downloaded all the updates so now its like a 'new' computer everything running smooth, cause i didnt have anything on here, then when i put on steam/counter strike source the stutter came back, in game cant get it to do it in windows

i also run(not 100% of the time) 3 ext harddrives 80/200/40 off of a small non-powered usb hub
as well as creative labs 24bit sound card, and G15 keybord and G5 mouse

idealy i would also like to run the 2 other harddrives i just got recently 320gb and 250gb Wd Sata 2, noting i have can run Sata 2 i have a pci sata controller that works for them once in a while, othertimes the computer wont start unless i have the 2 sata cables unplugged,

i think
A. i have a problem with the power supply.
B. its a conflict with my pci sata card and my agp videocard
C. software issue
D. i just need a new computer...but i am working on that one.. so dont remind me

Also I have searched and searched cant find much.. how can i install the onboard Sata that my mobo has without a floppy drive? anyway to do it via usb or software burnt to a disc?
the 250/320 are both almost full with stuff i need constantly, and its very unreliable at this point

i have also tried to just lower the cpu clock to default 166x11 1.8ghz but it still has issues..
as well i have unplugged 3 of the 120mm fans (top mount exhaust) and nothing changed,

any help would be great,thanks


ps. overall this system minus a few items is about 3-4 years old i just keep adding to it, one month its a new vid card next new psu/ram then new harddrives.2 months ago i got the h20... so i know what needs to be done, part it out use whats good and get a new comp..

IF its not psu related, i'll re type somthing that makes more sence for the gaming forum.thanks
I only glanced at your essay up there, but stuttering is more commonly associated with either a runaway application or video problems, I've even seen studdering caused by just a monitor (faulty display caused 'glitches' in screen updates, very wierd thing to see)

If you think it's your PSU, just swap it out, borrow one or get a new one. It sounds like you're no stranger to a part swap.
well, sorry you didnt read my essay, sorry i didnt word it in a easier to understand matter it seemed like i had alot to say and i wanted to be as clear as possible , do me a favor read it, then re write it,

cause you gave me an answer to some other question,
i neveer mentioned my monitor situation,

but for the record, it is a 21" gateway connected Dvi, and the Vga is connected to Xbox 360, which has no problems,

but thanks for the reply.
