Coolermaster Hyper Z600 HSF $29.99


Feb 14, 2001
I was looking for a Coolermaster HSF and ran into this deal. Can't find these anywhere else for less than ~$60. Great deal if your in need of a very powerful HSF and the fan is one of the new 90cfm/19dBA (claimed) fans based on the Scythe streamline models. No matter, its a great deal.


my rig with the new Coolermaster below

How so? Shipping seems to put it still under $40, $20 savings from buying somewhere else not including shipping.

Do now know how the hsf performs, but it seems like an awesome deal.
So does this come with the fan OP describes or what? Doesn't say anywhere on the retailers page.
Where does it state that comes with the fans? In the manual, the fans are on the Optional side of it. NIce looking cooler though.
i had the same question on the fans when i ordered and wasn't optimistic.

but it arrived yesterday and yes, it has the fan (LED version) in the box. nice deal, with tax and shipping it was $40. which isn't bad at all.

i am considering another one right now for my game rig #2.

temps are like this: my dual fan xigmatek 963 (92mm) was hitting low 40s C idle and 60 C when gaming. with the coolermaster on one fan i am hitting 38-40 C idle and 50-52 C when gaming. overall an 8 C improvement i an guessestimating. i'd say not bad at all considering the xigmatek was already a very good hsf. cpu is an OC'ed Q6600 running at 3.2Ghz and the xigmatek was using plastic push through mounts.
on the size question, i have a coolermaster stacker cm830 evo case. the side panels are the grilles. and i had to remove the 4 fan tray and i have around 3/4" clearance left. so yes, its huge. guess estimate would be 120mm from top to the heat pipes and another 1 1/4 inch from the heatpipes down to the cpu. BIG. but very beautiful, this is one very l33t cooler.
i cant tell shipping from outside LA. it was around $8 to here. but they shipped same day and i got it the next. so mebbe its a good deal for SoCal folks.
It absolutely will not fit in a stacker 830 without removing the entire fan tray? I might have to pass on this.
i can confirm it will not fit in my stacker 830 evo without pulling out the tray. i did though put on a Sunon 120mm x 38mm fan with a fan controller (cable led out through the water cooling holes). exact fit and it runs VERY cool. the fan is backed up all the way to the backplate and no need for another exhaust fan there - it wouldnt fit anyway.
How can CM make a cpu cooler that will not fit in one of their own cases? Does that even make any sense?
How can CM make a cpu cooler that will not fit in one of their own cases? Does that even make any sense?

I think they're saying it'll fit if you take out the tray.

I have a Stacker Evo, and I tend to take out the tray anyway, so no big deal to me.
opps shoulda clarified, i ADDED another fan (the Sunon) to the existing fan that came with it (one blowing in, one blowing out). so its two fans and its backed up all the way to the backplate with a 38mm wide fan on the CM Stacker 830 Evo. i love it, i can keep it silent most of the time and crank it up when i hit a LAN (of course, i am rolling the case, not lifting it).
So, the cooler comes with only 1 fan and not 2 as the pictures show?

For those in the know, how this CM cooler compare to the Artic Cooler Pro 7? Would I see that much of a difference?