core i3 vs core i5


Aug 24, 2007
Hi all

Quite behind on the mobile CPU/computing world. My current laptop is a T6600. Are the i3 or i5 significant better performers??

Was @ Best Buy and o god...there's a slew of new laptops out there... the i3, the i5...

Looking at price premium, the i5 models are usually almost $200 more (after tax). For a budget of about $800 (900 max), which of these models should I go for?

1. HP DM4
2. Toshiba R705-P25
3. Samsung NP-R480-JAB1US

... is there anything comparable from the Green side (AMD)...
Well i5s can have higher clock speed, of course, so make sure to check just what the difference is. The other big difference is the i5s are Hyperthreaded, the i3s are not. So the i5s have 4 logical processors, the i3s have 2. How much difference that makes depends on what you do, but I do find 4 logical CPUs makes for a more responsive system.
i5s has Turbo Boost (automatically overclocks processor if thermals allow for it). i3s don't. That's about it. I think the i3s have HyperThreading too.
What's the difference in heat on laptops? I read the first generation Alien mx11 hardly gets warm (not a core i processor) but the second generation is hot with a core i5.

Would like to use my laptop on my lap at bedtime to read and do light gaming.