Corruption and Defragging


Mar 4, 2004
Do to my incompetence I have caused roughly 40K via chkdsk in corrupted sectors on my hd.

Lack of defragging, power outages and other factors have also played a factor.

Anyway, this drive is badly in need of defragging but i don't want to spread the sectors any further and I am unable to repair the disk via chkdsk or check via WD diagnostic disk how to fix it or locate further those areas, due to stalling of programs when it reaches that area.

What is specifically my next step? I have started to move key files off. I am able to boot and run programs too. I have had problems with initial startup of programs, xp, and specifically sagetv thus far.

Is it time to chuck the drive and move on or what can I do? I read parts of corruption 101 and understand my problem just not the solution.

Any help will be appreciated. thanks