Corsair 550vx good enough for soon to be new rig?


Feb 13, 2007
Well i currently have a Corsair 550vx psu.

It works great with my current rig, but its looking like my dad is going Core i7, and im going to inherit his Q6600 for building the rig.

Then ive got ~$225 to spend on a vid card, prolly going with a GTX260.

My question is: can the 550vx hold up to these specs:

GA - EP35 DS3R
Q6600 (planning on OC'ing some)
2gb Mushkin (will be moving to 2 x 2gb ram soon)
GTX260 (will not oc)
5-6 hard drives (4 sata, 2 molex)

If i would have to upgrade the power supply i would have to sacrifice the vid card. On the other hand i dont want to over tax my psu with the quad and gtx.

Any thoughts would be great :)